Nepeta: Ship all the things.

Mar 12, 2011 19:18

In Homestuck, Nepeta is all about shipping different pairings amongst her friends. In her cave and even in the lab she creates and maintains a Shipping Wall dedicated to keeping track of all ships and potential ships. She is said to have a remarkable matchmaking acumen.

Her mun... not so much.

This is where YOU come in. Please use this post to list the prominent castle ships, pairings, friends, rivals, you name it. If you're familiar with how troll relationships work, feel free to tell me what you think their quadrant would be. I will then draw the pairings and add them to a Shipping Wall she will begin to paint in her room like so:

This is a long-term project that I intend to work on. The wall is essentially never complete, and Nepeta is constantly making changes and updating her wall. So if in the future your ship is sunk or the relationship changes at all, feel free to come back to this post and let me know.



♥ matesprits: red romance, love, dating/married, etc etc
♦ moirails: personalities compliment each other, they look out for one another, not just bffs but on a deeper, soul mate level
♣ auspitice: the person in a group of friends that prevents two clashing friend from killing each other by helping them sort out their issues
♠ kismesis: fervent rivals that cannot exist without one another

shipping wall

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