Nishikido has a tendency to appear as a player - anyone with that many scandals would. Besides, he's no good with women, and it seems like the only thing that he can do is get them in bed - and the only thing that facilitates that is the fact that he's a star and he's got the looks. Hell, if he were one of his brothers graced with this unfortunate personality - there wouldn't be any sexual relations in his future.
Only his closest friends and himself know the truth though. No one knows how much of a loser that Nishikido really is. The fans just see him for a pretty face and a nice body - nothing but the sexy Osaka man. While he appreciates the title - it’s not all that he is, and it’s something that grates at him whenever he’s once again alone on Valentine’s day (not that he likes chocolate in the first place).
Everytime Valentine’s day comes around, he curses the day, drinks himself into a splendid stupor, and wishes that things could be different. Nihsikido wishes that he weren’t shy. But something that’s been going on for all of your life is pretty hard to change.