1: Do you believe in god/what religion are you?
It isn't a straight-up afterlife, it is difficult to explain I guess.
3: Are you proud to be from whatever country you are from?
I like it here, but I'm not proud of it.
4: What is your view on gay marriage?
Legalise it
5: Do you think sex before marriage is okay?
6: What are your views on love? Do you think it’s real? Do you think we only experience one love per lifetime? Does everyone have a soul mate?
Love is real, you can experience many loves for many different kind of things, being "in love" isn't something I'm too familiar with so I can't really talk about that.
7: Do you want to get married and/or have kids?
Yes, yes.
8: Do you think any drugs should be legalized? Do you think there should be an age for drinking?
From a medical stand point, nothing should be legalised. But I also believe in the right to die, the right to drink, the right to smoke, the right to get high.
9: Pro-life or prochoice?
10: What do you think about straightxedge?
Not drinking, not partaking in promiscuous sex and not doing illicit drugs is the smart thing to do, I guess. But I enjoy drinking, I smoke and I like to get high. Plus I hate the stigma attatched to straightXedge by shit dicks like FSU.
11: What do you think about prostitution? Should it be legal?
I don't think about it.
12: What do you think about bisexuality?
I stopped thinking about my sexuality when I was sixteen. They're just words and like all labels pigeon hole people unfairly.
13: Do you think there should be an age to get tattoos/piercings without the consent of a parent?
14: Do you believe in aliens?
15: Do you believe in regrets? Do you have any terrible ones?
I've only got two regrets, and one turned out well for everyone involved except for me so it'd be selfish for me to think about it.
16: What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
Traditional Viking burial.
17: Have you experienced your ‘first true love’ yet? Do you believe you ever will?
Yeah but I don't think about it anymore.
18: What is your take on people who self harm (cutting, burning, scratching etc etc.)?
It is complicated and I wouldn't be able to explain it to people who have never self harmed. Plus it gets a horrible image due to stupid teenagers who do it for attention. But then again, it is an attention thing most of the time. When the topic was brought up during my nursing course nobody else seemed to understand and they were being TOLD how to approach it in a clinical setting. I just sunk into my seat and kept my mouth shut.
19: Do you think high schools should give out free contraceptive?
Yes, in the counsellor's office and from the nurse if they are asked for them.
20: What do you think about plastic surgery?
I don't.
21: What do you think about the death penalty?
22: Do you say your country’s national anthem/pledge of allegiance when it is said/listened to?
23: What do you think about thinspo?
I don't.
24: Your take on sex before 15?
Silly kids.
25: The most revolting thing to you?
26: What would you do if you just found out you were pregnant?
Ride it out like Arnie in Junior.
27: Is cheating acceptable to you? Why or why not?
Assuming this is referring to relationship cheating? If you know me you know how I feel, I guess, sorta. Doesn't concern me.
28: Should there be capital punishment?
29: Is killing for revenge acceptable?
30: Your take on life?
Smoke beers, drink weeds.