I dont think youre being selfish or stuck up. Deciding to come to LSU is a hard decision to make. For me, the choice came down to money. At first I really thought I was just settling by coming here. But now im really involved with student government, and im starting to love it. so there is a positive to coming here if your parents absolutely make you come. But the way i see it is, if you want to go on to further education like law, med, business, or grad school, *free* college may not be that bad seeing how you'll be forced to pay out of the butt for that. But otherwise I say go for it! You should make your decision based on what YOU want to do. Go where you think itll best benefit you in whatever you want to do later in life. ~Linda a.k.a. Dear Abby?
giiiiiirll...cindaywindayApril 18 2004, 00:57:40 UTC
Everything will work out. No matter where you go you just have to make the most of it!! As for the stripper thing, girl you got that...DO IT!!! Just try to enjoy the last few moments we have together...college will be great no matter where you go and im sure you will end up somewhere AMAZING b/c u deserve it! Money, even if it takes the rest of your life to pay it all back, its no problem, as MAMA KANTA would say---"Sheree, its only money!"
Re: giiiiiirll...bootayboppaApril 18 2004, 14:59:52 UTC
cindy i love how you representin that Marion Feinstein whaaaat whaaaaat....cindy i miss you it seems like its been too long- where are you....
and for my dear rachel.....deciding on college is something that is very stressful- but my advice is visit NYU- which you are YAYYY!- and then just think where can u really see urself...where will u be the happiest! and u know cories feelings....do u want to be a spic? or a jap!??! me and benji will be in FlOrIDaA bbaaabyy...so that would be cool...:o) but NYU would be greaaaaat as well....wherever u end up im sure you will shine...i <3 u
Comments 3
and for my dear rachel.....deciding on college is something that is very stressful- but my advice is visit NYU- which you are YAYYY!- and then just think where can u really see urself...where will u be the happiest! and u know cories feelings....do u want to be a spic? or a jap!??! me and benji will be in FlOrIDaA bbaaabyy...so that would be cool...:o) but NYU would be greaaaaat as well....wherever u end up im sure you will shine...i <3 u
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