Whoever invented quizzes should be burned at the stake.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What exotic animal would
not_mansex like as a pet? Zebra. On crack.
2) Does
lol_stabbity have a dog? He stabbed it a long time ago.
3) What is
drink_yer_tea's favorite band/artist? Jefferson Airplane
4) Where would
drink_yer_tea most like to visit? A bar
5) How tall is
notansem? Medium height
6) Do
kairi_of_heart and
lol_stabbity go to the same school? No
7) If
belladonna12 were hanging off a cliff, what would
lol_stabbity do? Stabbity
8) Where did you first meet
pimpinpence? The Con that Never Was
9) Does
train_fairy drink? Maybe
10) Does
doujinwave smoke? I would hope not....
11) What is
sexy_setzer's favorite food? Doughnuts
12) Is
noneed4hairgel a nerd? Totally
13) What would you do if you found out
train_fairy has a crush on you? Be scared?
14) Does
nagekawashii_ne travel a lot? Nah, he likes to sulk in the corner
15) Would you wrestle
train_fairy in jello? Jello is flamable, right?
16) What mental disorder does
pwnt_you_lamers remind you of? Superiority complex
noneed4hairgel's eye color? Blue
18) What do you agree with
peepofdarkness about? Pumpernickle is a funny word.
19) Which of your friends should
peepofdarkness go out with? Namine, I guess
20) Do you think
doujinwave is hot? I'm hot.
21) Did
train_fairy break up with you? Wait, were we going out?
22) Are
nagekawashii_ne and
snackbarsniper going steady? Only in Namine's doujin
23) Are
fossil_icicle and
peepofdarkness married? NO.
24) What languages does
keeptothebeat speak? Dork?
25) How long have you known
notansem? A few hours.