Yeah. Sasuke in leather. You can go ahead and laugh, but I will simply smile and blame it on KAT-TUN. It's their fault I even started the sketch for this at all...XD;;;
Actually, this didn't even start out as Sasuke. Which is why he isn't wearing anything that even remotely says 'ninja.' But now that I've gone and fangirlishly bastardized him, I think I may end up doing a series of these. Because fangirlish bastardization of characters is where it's at, baby. XD Neji, Naruto, out. You're next >D. Nyahaha.
Wow, I need to be getting more sleep.
Title: SexyBoySasuke
Fandom: Naruto
Other Stuff: Uhh. I felt like doing something different? Other than that I don't really have an excuse X3 Photoshop as usual.