006 // text; filtered to/action for Rockets

Feb 05, 2011 18:55


i'm so bored i can't type straight

i say we tp that door we're not allowed in

see where it gets us

we should prbly egg it 2

4 good measure

if that doesn't work

we can move on 2 graffiti on the wals

until they let us DO SOMETHING.


any1 else bored as fuck?

[ Niou can be found in the kitchen area of the Rocket base, taking apart ( Read more... )

→rocket base!, ☼afternoon, ○text

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Comments 40

action. reimprovise February 6 2011, 01:04:12 UTC
[..................................... having received Niou's text message and having coincidentally wandered into one of the kitchen areas, he is now poised by the door to the kitchen, mentally calculating the possibility of an explosion and whether or not he should stick around to find out.]

... what are you doing, exactly?


action FOREVER ♥ futariniousama February 6 2011, 01:06:20 UTC
[ Niou removes the blade from the blender and examines it closely. His screwdriver opens its eyes to do the same. ]

Considering hostin' my own version of 'Will It Blend?' from the Rocket kitchen because I'm fucking bored. And I have a blender.


reimprovise February 6 2011, 01:08:56 UTC
[Well, that sounds sufficiently explosion-free. He wanders over amiably, and wrinkles his nose.]

Why are you bothering with a real one? You have a ditto.


futariniousama February 6 2011, 01:12:16 UTC
I can't blend my Ditto if my Ditto is the blender.

[ Pause. ]

That sounded kinda philosophical.


[text] chakram_ofwit February 6 2011, 02:18:01 UTC
[This reminds of her of Marco, of Marco had the freetime to be pulling pranks like this.]

I'm bored too, but I doubt you're gonna get anywhere vandalizing the place.


[text] futariniousama February 6 2011, 02:28:03 UTC
i'll get less bored is where i'll get

might get their attention 2


[text] chakram_ofwit February 6 2011, 02:50:08 UTC
It'll get their attention all right. They'll probably haul you off and starve you or something from what I've heard.


[text] futariniousama February 6 2011, 02:54:33 UTC
can't starve me

i feed off of feelings of inadequacy and lust.

and there's plenty of both up in this house.


[action] psychunaut February 6 2011, 02:28:01 UTC
[Raz did get the message -- but he decided to ignore it, due to him... well, prefering face-to-face. He'd ask what was happen, but... nah, he overheard that coversation above.]
They're probably planning something big! Huge! But it's still boring to wait -- and they don't need all their walls clean.


[action] futariniousama February 6 2011, 02:36:11 UTC
[ A brief glance before returning to the blender. ]

S'where I'm at. A little less optimistic, though.

I'm thinkin' we gather up all the eggs in the kitchen and all the toilet paper from the bathrooms and find a place for 'em in that hall where that door is.


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