last night owned.
lets sex it.
well hello there linda, what a nice coat
walking home drunnnnnk.
seriously it was an amazing night, yeah thanks to me for organising it and writing the letter and selling the tickets and answering questions and doing the meal list...yeah. owned.
I've had the time of my life (apart from period 4) and I owe it all to youuuuu.
edit// i'm sick of all this George Best stuff in the papers. there was like a 8 page thing devoted to him in The Telegraph and pages in The Sun. i don't care if this comes across as heartless, ignorant or whatever, because tbh. i couldn't care less. it's his own fault. he died. what a surprise. selfish old man. you ruin your liver, you get a new one, you ruin that too. tough luck. that's life.
you own me