so last night we went out for hollies 18th. really good fun. was nice for the 5 girlies to be together for the first time in an age. hello you seem to have given me the wrong drink. well maybe the bit with sophie having a go at hanna wasn't so fantastic, but she's a nob, and plus we didn't know what she was on - well who grinds these days
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Comments 10
Asch 32% conformity rate, 75% conformed at least once.
Other factors affecting conformity- collectivist culture, gender, expertise, self esteem, size of majority, affect of a partner, social groups, non-unanimous majority, the clarity of the task, mode of response, affect of authority figures, social climate.
Crutchfield 30% conformed, also found that conformity was highest amongst people with low self esteem.
Zimbardo- people willing to conform to the way they percieve a role should be acted out.
Hofling- 21/22 nurses complied
Bickman- 40% picked up the bag in normal clothes and then 80% when in uniform.
Moscovici- 8% or 1/12 conformed the minority, the more critical trials the more conformity, so it's about consistency.
some people have more than one exam you know :-P
whoop for me.
no whoop for not understanding a word your mother said.
whoops for the whole night
no whoops for the man who wouldn't let us outside.
whoop for dancing.
no whoops for how rank i smell right now.
all whooped out?
i'll whoop your ass!
that stupid man. "erm exxxcuse me could come insydddd." in his foreign accent.
dancing. oh yeah.
whoop your face.
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