I wonder if Fugu-kun or Rowen will ever check this again. lol Ok, so aside from the video posts, most of my other stuff on here has been depressing and ranty, so I figured I'd post something positive! :D
Let's see...first, my current project: Four-Leaf Clover Bracelets!!!
Step 1: Find clovers!
It was slow goings at first, but then I found a freakin' PATCH! When all was said and done, I collected 1 six-leaf, 9 five-leaf and 17 four-leaf for a total of 27 clovers! XD
Step 2: Press and dry!
Put each one in it's own piece of paper (took forever because they were getting all droopy and blegh as they sat there and then I had to peel the leaves back apart and try to press them nice without tearing any. I'm really good at doing tiny, delicate work, but my hands always get shaky afterwards. x_x) Pressed 'em in a Supernatural book, under my How to Read Hieroglyphs book, under a haunted money box. Well, I don't really know if it's haunted. It hasn't started spitting coins at me or anything, but the EMF Detector app (DUDE! EMF DETECTOR APP! XD) told me it was giving off high EMFs one night when I was bored at anime club and decided to go around the room testing things. Hahaha...I really need to get out of the house more...
Step 3: Seal 'em!
Ok, so I got this resin stuff, but everything I read says you have to seal them before you can put them in the resin because they're porous. I tested it with some purple flowers that were unsealed and it completely pulled the color out. I don't have any of this sealing spray stuff, so what's next? Hair lacquer, also don't have. Next! Polyurethane. Dude! I have that! :D So I pulled out the old, rusted half a can of polyurethane that's been in my bathroom since I moved in like 6 years ago, got out a small paint brush (also in my bathroom, oddly enough) and sealed them all!
Ignore my foot. lol
Step 4: Clear Casting!
And this is where I'm at right now. :3 Gotta wait 24 hours for the resin to set.
I'm glad I ended up finding as many as I did, because my brother came down, saw the clovers and was all 'Dude, that's awesome! I want one!' The rest of the conversation went like this:
Me: You probably shouldn't touch that.
Jeff: Ohhh! It's sticky!
Me: I told ya. I only made them like an hour or 2 ago.
Jeff: You couldn't have told me that before?
Me: You probably shouldn't touch that wasn't good enough?
Yeah. He's a genius.
Moving on! THIS:
YEAH BUDDY! I GOT TWO TROPHIES!!! I never get trophies! I've gotten participation trophies, but I've only ever earned 1 trophy in my life! And I just won TWO!!! XD If you can't read them, the one is for High Female Series with a 500 and the other is for Female Most Improved upping my average by 13! XD The shirt underneath is our reward for taking 2nd place.
I guess that's long enough for now. If I keep going I'll fall back into depressing talk and this is a happy post, so I'll end it here! :)