I know better than to look at the entertainment section of the HoloNews. I know it’s full of baseless rumors and wild speculation. Civilians seem to thrive on this borrowed drama. I, however, have no need for more drama in my life, so I don’t see the point of reading that rubbish.
When the gossip is about me, though - or someone that I care about -- I can’t help being curious enough to check it out. You wanna know what it was this time?
Skywalker & Kenobi Teaming Up Off the Battlefield
Yeah. They mean it like that. We were allegedly spotted together at a gay bar. What the fuck? When do we have time to go bar-hopping? And why would we go to a gay bar when neither one of us is… well, actually, I can’t say for sure about Obi-Wan. He doesn’t discuss it with me, but I’m pretty sure he likes women. If not, he does a damn good job pretending he does, considering - ah, nevermind, I don’t think I should be talking about that here. I suppose he could like men too. But I don’t!
Apparently I was seen pinching his ass at this bar. They don’t have any proof - of course there’s no holostill accompanying this article because it never happened! It’s not like I don’t care about Obi-Wan, but I don’t want to grab him or anything. And the thought of us…ick, it turns my stomach.
People need to find better things to do than invent crazy bullshit about the ones trying to save their gossiping asses from Separatist rule.