I went to the show tonight!! It was sooooooo cute...omg omg omg...I had fun...I embarrassed a few guys that were staring at me...but it was fun!Hehehe ... he is so awkward...but at least I will learn to be a pro-koolaid maker in our matching Tees...I can't wait for tomorrow as well. I'm tired...I have work in the morning...I don't want to go!!
I was never emailed back... I bought poptarts yesterday...They were AMAZING!!! Brown sugar... I like friends...and I am way too busy this weekend...I need to go re-check out the movies!
We both have German cars now! How in de hell...we are twins thaz how. I heard BBMak at Perkins today. I think I might swing by Replays and buy it. Now...I am going to work on my art project...good night...oh yeah...my weekend for the most part has sucked...so im turning it in late.
I had fun with you today...sorry the rents were so weird.