jared said no christmas decorations, but my mom got my a charlie brown christmas tree and i found battery powered christmas lights at target...( so too bad )
What's with all this PS3 nonsense? What about the Wii? That comes out tomorrow. Jared is waiting in line all night at Target tonight for it. Notice there's no mass hysteria for it. It's cause Nintendo produced a helluva a lot more of them. And cause Sony has a tendency to suck and didn't produce nearly enough PS3s cause they screwed up and
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Boo! I got rear-ended on Friday on my way to my nail appointment with my sister!! Boo! My neck hurts! YAY!! MY SISTER GOT MARRIED!!! YAY!! HER BOYFRIEND IS MY BROTHER-IN-LAW NOW!!!
I'm always saying that Panic at the Disco sounds like a shitty Fall Out Boy. The lead singer of Panic sounds almost like Patrick sometimes
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and i don't care what none a' y'all say i still love 'em
i'm catching the irony here, and i'm loving it. i think this video is brilliant and i fucking LOVE it. in my top 3 GC videos for sure. that's my opinion and i'm stickin to it!
me and paulie, up against the stacks....right now....
I had a dream last night that I was at camp with my mom, aunt, and dad helping them close it up when my dad and aunt called me down to the river. Paul (as in tubby GC love
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