Today is a cursed day to be engraved into memories, as the day where Shakespeare's language was completely screwed up by a mere french hamster v__v...
All my apologizes in advance for that (I hope you won't suffer too much from the reading).
Well, today's subject deals with the "Night of animation" which took place in Lille on the 16th of october (it was a cold and dark night between a satursday and a sunday). I didn't buy my ticket in advance, so I went to the Sebastopol (the theater which hosted the event) at about 8:40 pm. There was a huge crowd at the entrance so I decided to make a call to Leguman. Here is an approximate reconstitution of this phone call :
- Hi Leg' ! [...] This is terrible, there is no end to the queue and I can barely see the entrance @__@ !!
- Roger that, we are on the verge of reaching the objective. Do not worry, with my friends' special ninja skills, we will be inside in no time!
Uh, did she really answer this kind of thing or is it the memory of an old man that is getting hazier ? Well anyway let's continue with the story. 15 minutes later, my cellphone is ringing :
- Hi again Fuv', we're in !! Where are u ??
- Err... Uh... I... I didn't move an inch, and the weather is so cold, at this rate I gonna become a snowman soon @__@ ! Please tell me more about the ninja stuff >__< !
- In fact you are currently in the queue for the pre-ordered tickets ^_^;;... There is another queue, almost invisible, on your right ^_^;
- Oh ! You're right about my right, my gosh @__@ !
So this is the first impression Leguman got of me :p ! But a few minutes later, inside the theater, I managed to remember my own ninja skills (I learned those in my youth) and I emerged from her shadow to make a true greeting.
After a proper introduction with her nice friends and her handsome boyfriend, the show is starting.
Now let me explain what the animation nigth consists of. Between 9 pm and 6 am, animation movies of various length, style and country are displayed on a movie screen. The night is divided into 4 parts, and each part has a longer movie. Below follows some personal comments about them.
Part One
Love Patate
Gilles Cuvelier / France / 2009 / 14 min.
This is a story about a man who becomes obsessed by a potato ^_^; . Is it simply madness or are potatoes alive ? When he tries to peel the potato, he has the feeling he is peeling himself (this is awful to watch @__@) . So you could think he is insane, but at the end of the story it looks like potatoes are truly alive and can even commit a homicide O__O ! This movie was really a disturbing one ^^;; ! (by the way the decors were from some real places in the north of France)
All That Cats
Màtyàs Lanczinger / Hongria / 2009 / 4 min. 44
At first I thought my nerves wouldn't handle this one because it is made of short scenes (with simplist design) about noisy cats which interact with their environment by producing harsh beatbox sounds, but some of them were quite funny.
In one of the scenes, the sway of the swing on which a cat is perched,
is punctuated by the tempo of a beatbox cat : you can easily imagine what happens next ^^; ...
Juan Pablo Zaramella / Argentine / 2006 / 5 min. 15
A plasticine short story about sexual education, where you learn with a little touch of humour what contraception is. I guess it may be useful as a way to discuss the matter with teenagers.
Bella Szederkènyi / Hongrie / 2009 / 7 min. 45
It is a black&white movie about a woman which lives a reversed life : I mean... she walks on her hands O__o;. A this hour I was already tired so I don't remember the end of the movie nor if it was worth watching ^__^;;
9 Vies (9 Lives)
Romain Bourzeix, Damien Levaufre, Aude Glondu et Thibaut Gache / France / 2009 / 3 min. 30
Or 9 ways to kill a poor innocent kitten >__< ! So cruel ! The first death is rather unexpected, but after 30 seconds you already know what will happen for the rest of the movie, so nothing surprises you anymore. However the quality of the animation was rather good.
Mary et Max (Mary And Max, why the hell am I translating this !?)
Adam Elliot / Australie / 2009 / 1h32
First long movie of the night, the subject is about a correspondance between a young and naive australian little girl and an obese and ill/odd new yorker (who has the IQ of a hamster mole). This is a clay-animated movie, which can seem a little bit slow sometimes, but the eccentricity of the characters helps to keep concentrated. And the quality of the clay work is truly amazing. This movie is mainly about friendship, and about a vision of the world around them from 2 naives people which are sometimes surprisingly close to an enlightened philosophy.
The touches of colors on the poster remind me the touches of humour
inside the dark background of the main characters' everyday life
Part Two
Strata #2
Quayola / France, Royaume-Uni / 2009 / 7 min. 20
It consists of visual effects about vitrails. It is interesting to see as a technical performance, but there is no story so no plot.
The Cow Who Wanted to Be a Hamburg
Bill Plympton / États-Unis / 2010 / 5 min.
The story of a cow which thinks it is cool to become an hamburg (because everything seems so cool in the advertisings ^_^;;). The animation made me think that the scenarist abuses of illegal smokes, but at the end there is a moral so he was not that blown up ^^;.
Taku Kimura / Japon / 2008 / 9 min. 23
After I saw this movie, I thought it was an interesting way to imagine a new truth behind life (yes, you are back in the Matrix Neo), but when I investigated a bit more, I read the main subject was actually about father and son relationship. The message of the film is in fact : "Lack of communication can destroy spirits in another world" o.o ... If you want to make your own opinion, you can click here : . The animation quality is very good and the visual aspect of the spirits world is impressive.
Lost and Found
Philip Hunt / Royaume-Uni / 2008 / 24 min.
Another movie about friendship. The frame is not very surprising (and I was getting more and more tired because I should be inside my bed at this hour of the night !!) but it is a nice story. The quality of the animation is at a very high level, especially during a storm in the sea *__*.
Juan Pablo Zaramella / Argentine / 2007 / 3 min. 35
A short movie which plays with shapes and black&white colors. There is only one sentence in this film ("Oh My God" : it is about some sorts of misadventures of a nun), but it is repeated every 4 seconds (I like comedy rehearsal but... ^^; ). Funny, but in my personal opinion "ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard" (it means this is not extraordinary ^^;).
Le Sens de la vie pour 9,99 $ (The Meaning of life for 9.99$)
Tatia Rosenthal / Israël, Australie / 2008 / 1h18
What is the meaning of life ? The purpose of this film is not to answer this question, but to make the spectators ask themselves the question (I read it on an interview :p) . This story is about the life of very different neighbors, which is going to be changed by some events. There is a disrespectful tramp who seems to be an angel... or not ^^; ? There is a man who will sacrify his own self to fashion until no more of his human aspect remains (is it to explain that fashion is only a way to prevent from being yourself, by removing all the asperity of your personality to comply a fake ideal >> Leg, I didn't trick on the web to find this explanation XD). Or there is an old man who, on the one hand, seeks for some companionship, but on the over hand doesn't imagine to leave his small appartement where he lives recluded. Well, as you can imagine, the are a lot of hidden messages, and this movie is interesting (but disturbing too O_o). The movie is made with a detailed clay technique : without doubt there is a colossal work behind it. Unfortunately, some question remains at the end of the film (for example what happened to a little piggy bank abandoned in a public park?). But it is for us to imagine the rest.
At 2 am, I decided to go back home because I need to keep some strength for my monday of hard work. Before I left Leguman, I took the wrong exit to leave the minibar upstairs, so now she is probably convinced I am the king of gaffes XD.
Now it is your turn to deliver your feelings about the end of the night, Leg ^__~ (and to talk a little bit about Paprika ! ) !
Bon pfiouuu la prochaine fois ça sera en français pour les posts en retard hein ^^; !! (btw anyone can feel free to correct my poor english)