Hello! I'm working as intern in an office so it's kinda hard to find a time translating articles like before~ but I always try to manage at least one per week!
This kid is also one of my fave! XD I don't really talk much about him but he is really funny yet cute. And one of the reason I like him is that I appreciate Jinguji LOL sorry for being biased also that at the first time I know him he resembled Tegoshi (I wonder if there are someone out there think the same? :)))
(scans thanks to
Wink Up January 2014
Doki Doki After-school Story
Vol. 18 Kakuta Yusei
For today's photo-shooting I intend to be "a flashy but kinda serious boy, waiting for his girlfriend", but I wonder if you can tell that atmosphere? (laughs) I'm longing for an after-school date. In my imagination, the keyword for an ideal after-school date is "a girl from different school". Somehow, the hurdle feels kinda high, don't you think? (laughs) Well, of course I also admire an after-school date with a girl from my school, but I don't like to be teased by the others, so I don't like to stick together in front of people. To be lovey-dovey in front of others... I really don't admire that. That's why, I might be the type that would keep the relationship in secret from everyone and enjoy my heart beating just with two of us. For example, we might separate ways when we're going home after class ended but we'd meet up again somewhere in the middle.
Actually, I can't be familiar so fast with someone new, and I also shy, so I think the process until we're dating would be hard. I really can't ask people to have a conversation first, and, in case there's a girl whom I think "This kid is good~" riding on the same train, I might be shy that I would move to other train (laughs). Because of that it'd be impossible if my friends don't meddle around. ...Humm, just by imagining the situation just now I become so shy, it'd be impossible! (laughs).
Untuk pemotretan hari ini gue sebenernya berniat jadi "cowo yang playboy tapi agak serius, lagi nungguin pacarnya", tapi aura itu tersampaikan ngga ya? (ketawa) Gue selalu mengimpikan yang namanya kencan sepulang sekolah. Kencan sepulang sekolah yang ideal dalam imajinasi gue itu kata kuncinya adalah "anak sekolah lain". Entah kenapa, kesannya agak menantang, ya ngga sih? (ketawa) Yah, pastinya gue juga pengen sih kencan sepulang sekolah dengan temen satu sekolah, tapi gue ngga suka diceng-cengin ama yang lain, jadinya gue ngga mau nempel-nempel (sama pacar). Mesra-mesraan di depan orang itu... gue sih sama sekali ngga mengidolakan hal seperti itu. Makanya, mungkin gue tipe yang ngerahasiain dari orang sekitar kalo gue pacaran, lalu menikmati perasaan berdebar-debar berdua saja. Misalnya, pas pulang dari sekolah mungkin jalannya misah, tapi di tengah jalan ketemuan lagi.
Gue sebenernya ngga gampang akrab sama orang yang baru dikenal dan pemalu banget, jadi gue pikir proses sampe jadian itu bakalan sulit. Gue ngga bisa banget ngajak ngomong duluan, terus walopun misalnya di gerbong kereta yang sama ada anak yang gue rasa "Ah, anak itu oke ya...", karena gue malu mungkin gue bakal pindah gerbong (ketawa). Makanya, kalo ngga ada temen yang campur tangan kayaknya sulit. ...Humm, gegara barusan ngebayangin situasinya aja gue udah malu, udah pasti yang begitu ngga mungkin! (ketawa)
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