Player Information
Name: Zeb.
Other characters played: NEIGH, I AM A HOERS. In other words, No.
Character Information
Name: Letz, Joe.
LJ screen name:
fuxletz AIM screen name: LetzLicks
Series: Faggotry-- er, Bandom - Combichrist
Requested Character: Neigh I am a hoers
Gender: Unless I've been kicked in the groin hard enough for my dick to be pushed inside, I think I am a man.
Age: I TURNED 18 LIKE YESTERDAY !!!! I'm twenty nine.
Species: Elf. Ha generic I know. Think kazillion foot tall pixie with pointy ears. I make jokes at your expense. A lot. [[Mischievous kind of Elf. There are a lot of kinds of elves. Bleh]]
Side: The avengers rejected me, the justice league rejected me, the x-men laughed in my face. I'm a bad guy I guess.
Powers/Advantages: I AM VERY GOOD AT DOING NOTHING. I'm fast. I can get nowhere faster than a person. I have very limited psychic prowess, eg. out of body experiences, spidey senses. I can't even read minds !!
Weaknesses/Disadvantages: But I'm not a fighter. I'm a prankster. I prank! That's all I do. I'm tall and stand out like a sore thumb, I'm unco-ordinated, I hurt myself by accident, I bruise easily, I break my bones a lot. Whoops. I don't like fighting. I just like being silly.
City Life
Occupation: Part-Time Freelance Drummer.
Residing Quadrant: West. Sure, I could live somewhere safer, but there's something about the quality and feel of this place. I like it here.
RP Sample:
Me: Despite being in this place at least six years, Joe still can't find his way around this loving place.
Left, Left, Left, Left, Damnit I'm back here again. Going only left is bull poo poo.
He knows he has to get to the hall soon for all the guests. It's the same every year, and every year he's late because he's on the other side of the loving maze.
Gently caress this, he thinks to himself. He often thinks this to himself. He usually finds his destination shortly after.
Voila, there's the hall.
"I hate this place."
Them: A turn caused golden blonde hair to swirl around and frame the woman's face. Alice had seen Joe arrive. A smile and a wave was all the woman had time for as she eagerly awaited for their new guests. "Are you still enjoying yourself, Joe?" She asked after quite some time went by. Their beloved host was keeping them waiting, trying to surprise them. Oh what joy! Alice loved surprises. Hopefully it was going to be like last time where her beloved host gave her a friend. A little rabbit, even if it did die a few days later. Getting poisoned doesn't help.
Me: "No, loving rear end in a top hat can go gently caress himself. So can this whole loving place."
Joe is only grumpy when he gets lost. He sorts himself out fairly quickly and within moments after his statement, a big dorky smile finds its way over his face.
He's probably just worked out they're getting more people to spend time with. A lot of people in the six years he's been here have died or gotten lost somewhere, which saddens Joe terribly.
Brief History: What's there to say really? I was born, I was raised, I left home. I learnt the drums and lived like a hobo at a friends house for a while, then moved to the city. I like it here. It looked like an interesting place when I found it and ooh boy it sure is. And I don't plan on leaving any time soon. Why would I want to?
Oh yeah I play drums semi-professionally now. I play in bands with people for a while as a temp drummer, can't tie me down!
Play By:
Joe Letz I would also like to point out my spellchecker says Hoers is a word so I'm going to go look it up and get back to you on this.
It's just many people using a hoe. How disappointing.