Ok. Two Three words. DEATH NOTE MOVIE.
1. SHUUYA~~~~~!!! ::is bricked:: Please, someone else tell me you yelled this too the moment Light appeared XDDD I seriously didn't recognise him from the promos. Although he's totally unchanged since Battle Royale. Haha ^^
2. INUI~~~~~~!!! AOYAMA~~~!! Omg, this is like Cameo!Heaven (^o^) ::nfu::
3. Generally not as keen on this as the anime and manga (o____o) Hmm... Light seems kinda dumb in comparison. As does L. I don't like these plot alterations o(>___________<)o
4. Plus wtf @ GIRLFRIEND (x______X);; what happened to the gay!? Ugh. Het. Someone rescue me, please.
5. Ok. L is kinda cute XDXD He's not as loveable as manga!L, but he'll do ::snuggles::
6. WTF @ NAOMI TELLING L LAITO IS KIRA!!!! (o___________________________0);; Geck.
7. Haha XD Ok, disposing of Irrelevant!Girlfriend makes me like this more. Go back to the Gay, Kira...
8. Daha XD No matter whether its manga, anime or live-action, L is cute-ass love ♥
9. And I'm actually now looking forward to the bondage part handcuff part sexy I-have-your-son-chained-to-me-Yagami-san part of the story XD~~~!!
Basically, I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd hoped... But it was worth it just to see L who has taken over my brain (-____-) and I think it'll get better in the next film, simply because Light and L will be together, which is what I like best d(^o^)b
But they need to stop editing the plot, whut >:3 Plus after all that Light/GURL thing, I need to go read some Light/L doujinshi to get my head back into place... Ugh (>___<)
at least he killed her XDDDD lol
As far as the manga goes, I've gotten to the end of volume 7 now, and OMG (0___________0) I knew it was coming... But I still cried o(>___<)o Dammit! I'm starting to dislike manga!Light quite a lot. And Misa. For the love of God. I swear, the only thing that makes me put up with her is the thought that Light must kill her at some point. He'd better kill her at some point >:3 or i shall hold a formal protest
Near is kinda cute though ^^
I have to say this simply because I'm kinda proud: I stayed up from 7am Saturday until 3am Sunday pretty much solidly writing my English coursework essay: comparing the presentation of Sociopaths in We Need to Talk About Kevin <----- READ THIS BOOK READ THIS BOOK READ THIS BOOK !!!! and The Wasp Factory <----- DON'T READ THIS BOOK... (-_____-)
Anyway, in the end it came to almost 10,000 words - 9 pages of size 10 font. I was quite impressed with myself.
It's probably all shit though...
And I got another university offer~! ^^ From Leeds, my 3rd/4th choice... BBB, which is nice and low. So now I have offers from my 2nd & 3rd choices, and interviews for my 1st choice... Shame I won't know if I've gotten into Cambridge or not until January or so...
On other news... Well, the general consensus seems to be that I have depression. Again. which may well not have come across at all when i talk about death note... Basically I'm just miserable a lot with no reason. Like normal. But I took the
Golberg Test and scored 66 (actually i retook it just now and got 70, wtf (>___<) ) and the chaplain at my school with a degree in psychology said I was pretty much a depression case - not that I really trust anyone else's judgement of my mental condition, but whatever. I hate school at the moment, except for the actual work part. But I'm trying to enjoy being around the other people in my year more - some of them its easy, but there's just some barrier or something... I don't know. God knows. Anyway.
that reads off so badly, wtf, but i'm too tired to edit it (>_______<)
And why does it take so effing long to upload to sendspace dammit!?
Angst aside, tomorrow's HALLOWE'EN so I'll try and be online ^^ Although like today, I have activities after school so I get home late~~~ o(T^T)o
Have a fun spooky Hallowe'en, everyone~! ::chu:: ♥
Btw - if anyone wants Huntermyu: Nightmare of Zaoldyeck or Huntermyu: Deja-vu in Summer or Tenimyu: Dream Live 1st (subbed) then I've uploaded / I'm in the process of uploading them... So just say, ne? XDDD