Jul 21, 2007 16:31

Like everyone else in the UNIVERSE:


right about this way ----------->

(This is completely unordered and incoherent. Apologies.)

Ok, by page 16 JK has already managed to piss me off with LUPIN/TONKS MARRIAGE!!!! Bah humbug! >>>3 ::glowers::

xDD Dudley/Harry makes me snorfle. Aww. Ickle Duddy-kins

Hedwig dies!! (;_____;) And George loses an ear, poor thing! But yay for much Fred/George cuteness over the ear loss :D

Lupin is unhappy while Tonks is happy because she tricked him into marriage and children, not because of anything else!! 8D ::is crazy and in serious denial::

Throughout this entire book I am constantly reminded that the Voldemort taking over the ministry plot is basically a history of Nazi Germany with Voldie instead of Hitler and Muggle Borns instead of Jews. That whole Blood Status thing especially. Also the previous Dumbledore/Grindelwald thing = Churchill/Hitler, what with it ending in 1945 & Nurmengard = Auschvitz, and the stuff about Dumbledore having hidden secrets and flaws which people don't want to acknowledge is like Churchill’s secrets and flaws which people still ignore today. FACT.

::is lame::

Lupin/Harry fight!! OMG! (0_____0); Was it just me, or did this seem really out of character for Lupin? Hmm...

Almost cried when Harry visited his parents' graves (;_____;) And their death date must mean this book takes place in 1997 or something...

"Some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other people's."

There's a Death eater called Selwyn... Which is the name of the college I've been accepted to at Cambridge. Oops.

And Ron/Hermione FINALLY! Because no one saw that coming //SARCASM

Fred dying - saw that coming too... Sad though o(T^T)o Would have lked to see more of George's reaction - it was never really described.

Lupin and Tonks dying - ok that was sad despite my HATING their marriage... I thought Lupin would probably die, but not Tonks.

Omigosh Lily and Snape!! LILY AND SNAPE!!! (0________0) Wow... that was really touching, poor old Snapey :3 I really love the flashbacks into the Marauders days the most... Loved this chapter so much.

and btw; the snape/lily thing and how lily continues in harry is going to spawn so much snarry fic...

HAH!! (like everyone else) I KNEW SNAPE WASN'T REALLY EVIL!!! XDXD ::is vindicated::

The Harry's dad/Malfoy parallels were good too... James really was something of a bastard, eh...

Liked the way Dumbledore is presented as kinda manipulative and heartless before we are reassured he isn't... Christ did the plot and characters get complex towards the end, I was impressed in spite of myself...

Was I the only one sad to see Colin Creevey die?

I realised what 'I open at the close' meant from the start, but I gotta admit that when he says "I am about to die" I got major chills up my spine

And FINALLY that 'look of triumph' remark explained... I liked the Dumbledore!history stuff... And a nice link up to the first book with the Mirror of Erised reference

So sweet that the Malfoys care more for their son than Voldie <333 They learnt the value of love in the end.

Go Neville!! Yay Kreacher!! Omg Harry’s protection!!

( ^------- by this point in the book, I was incapable of writing full sentences or stopping squealing xDD)

Then they are all grown up and have 123871298127 children each - this section seemed slightly twee to me, but I did like a) that Harry's son has the middle name SEVERUS :D and b) that Neville is a teacher <333 Yayz.

OVERALL I liked this book more than 6th or 5th but not as much as the first 4. They're still the best, but the last quarter of this book was worth the wait. The complexity of the mess of secrets, plots and connections was really well explained, and I liked the ending. I kinda wanted Harry to have to die, but it was well thought out why he didn't have to, and if he had died then it might have been compared to LOTR. The first half of the book I wasn't so keen on, just because it seemed to be them chasing various objects around the country, while the removal of Hogwarts as a structure to keep the action centralised made it a bit wandering and unfocused. To be honest, I think the sixth book and half the seventh could have been condensed into one... But anyways.

Remaining questions / grievances:

What DID Dudley see when the Demetors came to kiss him? Does JK say, because I don't remember if she does. Also I wanted a little bit more of the Petunia/Lily story, especially as regards Harry's relationship with Petunia which I always liked.

I also would have liked to see what happened to George in the future...

Also a conspicuous absence of capslock!Harry in this one... XD

Anyways, wow, that took me all day to read :D

So, flist, tell me what you think! :D

harry potter

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