P.E. #2: Story of my Sexism yesterday

Jun 10, 2003 21:31

DDR Sophey (9:29:21 PM): We drove over an overpass [yesterday], only to see a stray dog rolling around in a dead carcas of something, ya know? Well, my friend was all "THAT IS DISCUSTING!" and Iw as like "No no, you don't understand, it is logically explain why it is doing that [note: there is a logical explaination why it is gong that]!" And she looked at me weird and her MOM asked me what I had meant, and I was like "Well, you see, Dog's and pigs are in the same category, both roll around in their food, and have no sweat glands, so in tern, they are very similar. You see, for Dog is MAN'S best friend, not WOMANS but MANS. SO therefore, it is prooven that men are pigs, and dogs, and all those other reched[note: retched] things we call them! Only used to entertain us, Pigs for food, dogs for company, you see, it all makes sense"

::note:: the [ ] 's were added so you could understand the story

Needless to say I got yelled at
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