Trailer Park Challenge Points (under construction)

Aug 01, 2012 16:08

This is likely to change and get added to as more people help me play-test this challenge!  But this is a start, anyway, for those who want to keep score.  :)

Your score starts at zero.

Shotgun Weddings and Parties:

+1  for every wedding party in the main house.  (Fruit Punch Barrel required!)
  • +2  for every party you throw that isn’t a wedding.  (Fruit Punch Barrel still required!)
  • +8  for every time the police have to come and break up a party.

+15  if the spouse brings less than 100 simoleons into the house!
  • +10  if the spouse brings between 100 and 500 simoleons.
  • +5  if the spouse brings between 500 and 1000 simoleons.

+2  for every heir that marries while they or their spouse are showing a baby bump.

+5  if the baby is born before the wedding party timer runs out!


-5  if the baby is born before they can get married.

-5  if they can’t afford or forget the Fruit Punch Barrel for a party.

Raisin’ Them Up:

+2  for each legitimate pregnancy.  (Twins and multiples count as one pregnancy.)

+ 3 for each illegitimate pregnancy.

+5  for each pregnancy that results from an alien abduction.

+1  for every Plantbaby spawned.

+6  for every infant adopted into the main house.  (This includes required adoptions while playing the challenge without Pets rules.)

+10  for having at least two dogs living on the main lot before the first heir is an adult, and always having at least two dogs on the lot thereafter.  If at any time you have less than 2 dogs on the lot, you lose these points.
  • +1  for each dog that was adopted in as a stray.
  • +1  for every puppy born and raised to adulthood on the main lot.


-10  for every child taken by Social Services.

-10  for every teen death, whether they are successfully saved from Grim or not.

-8 for every teen that runs away from home.

-8  for every dog taken away by Pet Services.

Home Sweet Home:

+10  for every 6 x 20 trailer on the lot!

+3  for every pickup truck present on the lot at the end.

+2  for every junk car present on the lot at the end.
  • +1  for every junk car that was fixed up, whether it remains on the lot or not.

Huntin' Land:

+10 for every 3x3 or larger lot the family owns as "hunting land" either in the neighborhood or in a vacation 'hood.

Workin’ For A Living:

+2  for every adult sim who successfully works through all three careers up to the allowed job level without being fired or demoted , and without a break between jobs.

+1  for every pay-off gnome remaining on the lot at the end.  (Please note:  The gnomes must be placed immediately and left on the lot for the duration of the challenge to earn these points.  If you chose to hide them in inventory at any time, they do not count.  If they are locked behind a fence, they do not count.  Gnomes will likely be stolen!  Whatever remains in the end is what counts.)

+10 for going an entire generation without anyone being employed!  Counting from the time one heir becomes an adult until the next heir becomes an adult.  (These are cumulative points.  If you go two generations without anyone working that’s 20 pts, etc.)

+15  if you can go the entire challenge (all 4 generations) without ever buying groceries or a new refrigerator.

-5  if the employed adult is promoted to a higher job level than what is allowed.

Money for nothin'

+10 if you end the challenge with less than 1000 simoleans in their account.

-10 for every 1000 simoleans in their account at the end.  Round down: 1800 would be minus 10 points, and 2500 would be minus 20 points.  Etc.

Suggestions are welcome!

+challenge: trailer park
