(no subject)

Aug 06, 2009 22:08

A three part response to this meme: Give me five topics to discuss and I'll discuss them here, in order. They can be any topics you like! I'll discuss anything.

The topics: marriage, life, music, adventure, and light. My responses:

Marriage: something that I don’t particularly like, as it is. I think the legal benefits of marriage ought to be available to everyone, and not just same-sex couples, etc. I mean, if I want to have marriage benefits with my sister and I can find a church that’ll marry us, I should be able to do that. The idea that marriage is only for couples that are going to procreate is silly. There’s no sanctity to it, as far as the law is concerned - the problem is that under the law, marriage is defined as ‘between a man and woman’, with all this subtext about love and commitment and future babies and shit that hardly ever comes with the actual couples. Sometimes the babies. But not always. Anyways. It's a silly ritual made up by some old, white Puritan men, and those aren't exactly in fashion anymore, are they? So, why are we still following their laws to the letter? I thought we were done with that, people.

Life: a broad topic. Something I generally enjoy, although it kinda bites on occasion. More so on others. Overall, I have a pretty fantastic life, and I’m very thankful for it. I try to count my blessings as often as possible, but more often than not, I think of what I don’t have or what I want, instead of all the wonderful things I already have. So, on this thread, I love you all and I’m glad you’re my friends, because you’re really incredible and I’m lucky to know you. Wow that got sentimental fast. In any case, it’s true, and I love you all.

Music: one of my favorite things in the world. I can find it in surprising places, and I enjoy making it. Wish I were better at it, but I’ll take what I can get.

Adventure: something I associate with scraped knees, grass stains, cuts (on my shins specifically), bruises, bodily injury, and fantastic treasures like the flip-flop Taichou and I scavenged out of a river on one of our epic outings last summer. On the same trip, we got a bucket, a strip of caution tape (named ‘Pookie’, who currently hangs on our bedroom door), part of a hard drive, a long branch, and a couple of other miscellaneous bits of stuff pulled out of the river, found along the railroad tracks, and picked up on the side of the road. It was an utterly spontaneous outing, with no destination or objective other than ‘let’s go exploring!’. And so we did. Other adventures I have had include when I went camping on the beach with a summer camp and we went exploring on the dunes around the beach. A group of a dozen or so teenage boys, plus me and two or three other girls and two male camp counselors hiked up the largest dune we could find, after crossing a broad, flat expanse of sand and sharp dune grass that left scars on my shins. On the other side of this massive dune was a huge landscape of similar-sized mountains of sand, all sculpted by powerful winds that made the sides of them almost entirely vertical, perfect for hurling oneself down, which is exactly what we did. We hiked all over the dunes, gradually shedding clothing in the scorching heat, and eventually made our way back to camp, where we collapsed into our tents, most of us ignoring dinner and all social activity in favor of rest. I was twelve, I believe.

Light: a concept with a very specific sensation tied on to it, for me personally. I have a scent I can’t possibly describe that I associate with the word ‘light’. An image as well, and kind of a sound, but those aren’t as important as the smell and the sensation. My mind is sorta weird, but there you have it.
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