A truck ran into the internet geyser that feeds our office, and our reception has been thin for the past 3 hours, and promises to stay that way til monday. I declare the drawing extended until 7pm, when I can get my stuff in line
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Yes, I just heard that, thanks! Best news so far today. You're still in the running, though, so if you win, you can either apply it to your purchase, or hang on to it for something else. How does that sound?
Did you know that three of the four internet sub-cables that run from Asia to North America have been damaged.?? Maybe THAT'S why you are having problems??? Hmmm....
They don't know why - just that it's wreaking havock with connectivity between Asia and the US, and in turn wreaking havock on the US directly because they are having so many issues. I can send you the article if you would like to read it! :)
Comments 13
No, didn't know that had happened. Earthquakes in Japan, mayhaps?
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