Title: No Going Back
fuzzyluvbanana Characters/Pairing: Bella POV, E/B
Rating: G
Category: Angst, interspersed with moments of quiet adoration
Spoilers: Um, none really unless you haven’t read Twilight
Summary: One-shot--Bella’s thoughts on the frantic drive from her house to the Cullen’s before they disperse to take care of James and Victoria.
No Going Back )
Comments 9
you captured the essence of B/E and the devotion she feels towards him so perfectly! This has definitely made my family hell earlier in the day so much less annoying.
This was just friggen brilliant, mmkay? omg. wow. ily.
you inspire me to write! srsly.
ily, bb! thanks for being so great to me. I'm really glad I've been blessed w/ friends like you! *hugs*
You rock hardcore. Thank you, bb!
This specific fic isn't going to be expanded upon...I just wrote this as a oneshot.
The other fic I was talking about revolves more around an OC and Nessie...I have parts of it outlined but I haven't actually started writing it yet. It's tenatively titled 'The Necklace'...but I think I will keep that title.
Currently, tho, I am working on a fic based around The Host (I'm utterly insane for doing this) because I had the idea the other night and I started it and now I'm kinda obsessed about it...so yes, much writing to be done.
*goes to reply to your other comments*
And ooooh! Nessie, eh? I would love to se how that turns out, I find that I'm having one hell of a hard time trying to do the canon fics. I just... can't. So now I'm writing emo AH Bella. *lol* I'm feeling very blue lately, I guess. With pep.
What?! The Host fanfiction? Holy crow. What is this fic? I have to read the book again before I can read it, SOB!
How can you be "blue" with "pep"? I think that's like an oxymoron or something. But with you, I somehow guess its possible.
And yes, I actually started a fic based around The Host. If you really want all the details I'll give em to ya...but its hardly canon enough that you'd need to go back and read the entire book again. I'm having this very strong urge to reread Twilight for some reason....or possibly New Moon.
Idk. *hugs* I'm off to respond to the rest of your comment spams, which I adore.
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