EPIC WIN---New Moon 14 second clip

May 30, 2009 13:35

For 14 seconds, this was AMAZING. And it made me nearly tear up! You can see, even in Edward's silent stoicism, his decision to leave Bella written all over his face...his concern for her safety...being torn between being selfish and staying with her and breaking both their hearts and leaving her...you can see it in the flex of his jaw and the rigid gentleness of his hand as he cups her cheek. It's just written all over his body language that all he wants to do is kiss her...but its killing him because he knows what he has to do. So that's my take on 14 seconds of Rob's performance...which is EPIC even though he doesn't say one line. LOL.

I adore KStew in this clip. Some fans (in several of the commentaries I have read about this clip) have criticized the eyebrow raise...I find it to be absolutely appropriate and adorable. She's trying to lighten the mood...she can see that Edward is stewing in his broody thoughts and she's trying to distract him from them...the eyebrow raise is WIN in my book. And..."I love you"...AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! FINALLY!

rant/ As for them doing this scene outside, by the truck. *le sigh* Why can't they leave the bedroom scenes IN THE BEDROOM?!? It's really getting rather irritating. It's not like if you've read the books (which 90% of people going to the theaters to see the movies are fans of the books--complete guesstimate...lol!) you don't know that Edward spends quite a bit of time in Bella's bedroom. /end rant!

Overall, I adored this little 14 second clip. It just speaks volumes that it already made me want to cry! I think Weitz was just an EXCELLENT choice. At least I hope. But this gives me that hope. I have nothing against CHardwicke and I did love Twilight but...this scene just had a completely different feel to it than what I felt with Twilight. And hey, IT WASN'T ALL BLUE! LOL!

So there you have it. My full fangirly opinion. Take it or leave it, but don't try to change it. :)

fandom: twilight: new moon trailer clip

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