me and sara
whereswaldo13139: gas
xobrynninater360: bag
whereswaldo13139: fish
whereswaldo13139: farts
xobrynninater360: in
xobrynninater360: pool
whereswaldo13139: next to you
xobrynninater360: and it spilled
whereswaldo13139: on your foot
xobrynninater360: and you tooted
whereswaldo13139: but it didnt smell
xobrynninater360: cause it was only air
whereswaldo13139: and noone even cared
xobrynninater360: cause it was only a dream
whereswaldo13139: with a stream
xobrynninater360: and good clean farts
whereswaldo13139: with out smell
me and ryan
Shoelace529: I
xobrynninater360: love
Shoelace529: donkies
xobrynninater360: and
Shoelace529: little
xobrynninater360: boys
Shoelace529: who
xobrynninater360: spew
Shoelace529: pickles
xobrynninater360: out
Shoelace529: big
xobrynninater360: plastic
Shoelace529: shoes
xobrynninater360: filled
Shoelace529: with
xobrynninater360: SPERM
Shoelace529: that
xobrynninater360: isnt
Shoelace529: clean.
xobrynninater360: You
Shoelace529: want
xobrynninater360: me
Shoelace529: in
xobrynninater360: bed
Shoelace529: so
xobrynninater360: badly
Shoelace529: that
xobrynninater360: you
Shoelace529: will
xobrynninater360: do
Shoelace529: anything
xobrynninater360: pleasurable
Shoelace529: including
xobrynninater360: rubbiing
Shoelace529: twenty
xobrynninater360: boys
Shoelace529: and
xobrynninater360: sucking
Shoelace529: eggs
xobrynninater360: with
Shoelace529: worms
xobrynninater360: inside
Shoelace529: .
Theres more to me and Ryans...buuut too bad.