Title of vid: Smokin' in the Boys Room
Recipient: deelaundry
Vidder: bironic
Fandom: Dead Poets Society
Music: Smokin' in the Boys Room (edited) by Brownsville Station
Summary: For deelaundry, who issued a challenge to make a humor vid for Dead Poets Society. You can decide if this worked. :)
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 01:20
Link to signed vid post.
How you doin' out there?
You ever seem to have one of those days
Where it just seems like everybody's gettin' on your case
From your teacher all the way down to your best girlfriend?
Well, you know, I used to have them just about all the time
But I found a way to get out of it
Let me tell you about it
Sittin' in the classroom, thinkin' it's a drag
Listening to the teacher rap just ain't my bag
Noon bells ring
You know that's my cue
I'm gonna meet the boys on floor number two
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Now, teacher, don't you fill me up with your rules
Oh, everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
One more!
Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Now, teacher, I am fully aware of the rules
Oh, everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school
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http://fv-poster.dreamwidth.org/130744.html, where there are
comments. You can comment either there or here.