Title of vid: Always Knew
Recipient: chaila
Vidder: futuransky
Fandom: Winter's Bone (2010)
Music: We Always Knew by The Black Heart Procession
Summary: "Did you come back from your quest?" Ree Dolly knows longings and limits.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:34
Link to signed vid post Password to view: festivids
we want to know where the truth is found
we try to breathe but life was never found in you
and that i know
we wander on beyond the hills
and what we stole we could never lie with them
and of that we are sure, we are sure
and life came and forgiveness was won
was it all to see the light?
did you come back from your quest?
was it all to see the light in your own dreams
you say i guess i knew
we always knew
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