Title: Boo-Boo Author: fwalpaca Pairing: Kwangmin/Youngmin Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Summary: When Youngmin gets hurt during gym class, Kwangmin can only feel worried about him.
aww, soo sweet... Actually, I want to thank you very much bcuz make Kwangmin/Youngmin story.... Many people like to make Youngmin/Kwangmin...(It's not I don't like it but for me Youngmin look more feminine soo it weird..Altought, he was the hyung but like SJ *KYUMIN Sungmin is the hyung right...) Sorry i have to make SJ as the example but there no else..
I know my eng. suck bcuz I need to hurry...
Lve it and write more fic about kwang/young min :):):):):)
Can you make Donghyun/Minwoo fic?? I bet you don't like it... Anyways, if you know where I can find them plz tell me...
another onnnneeeefishy_kai1997February 10 2012, 02:46:29 UTC
i've this fanfic countless of times already. the first fanfic for me to read. XD i love kwangyoung and like you, i'm getting tired waiting for people to write fanfic about this pairing. kekeke write more will you? :3 *gives cookies*
Comments 31
Actually, I want to thank you very much bcuz make Kwangmin/Youngmin story....
Many people like to make Youngmin/Kwangmin...(It's not I don't like it but for me Youngmin look more feminine soo it weird..Altought, he was the hyung but like SJ *KYUMIN Sungmin is the hyung right...)
Sorry i have to make SJ as the example but there no else..
I know my eng. suck bcuz I need to hurry...
Lve it and write more fic about kwang/young min :):):):):)
Can you make Donghyun/Minwoo fic?? I bet you don't like it...
Anyways, if you know where I can find them plz tell me...
the first fanfic for me to read. XD
i love kwangyoung and like you, i'm getting tired waiting for people to write fanfic about this pairing.
write more will you? :3
*gives cookies*
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