Doop-e-doop-e-doo, random tidbits ahoy

Jul 01, 2006 01:51

Holy crap, we're moving in two weeks. Holy crap holy crap holy crap.

To all of you who "ordered" books: they are packed up and labeled (er, mostly), and probably won't be mailed off until right before we hit the road. Sorry.

Last night I stayed up past 4 knitting swatches. I finally ended up inventing a stitch pattern because I couldn't find the perfect one, and this is it:

(worked on 3x + 1 stitches)
Row 1 (RS): *k1, yf, sl2, yb, repeat from * to last st, k1
Row 2: purl
Row 3: *sl1, k2, repeat from * to last st, sl1
Row 4: purl

Repeat these 4 rows indefinitely.

I call it grid stitch. Cool, huh?

If you're wondering why I needed just the right stitch -- well, I have an idea for a sweater that is absolutely the dorkiest thing ever. Seriously. I don't think you could handle it.

Two more things:

[1] Photos of the dog, because she'll be gone in a week and I will miss her insanely for the rest of my life.

Jo demonstrates the proper form for downward-facing dog on my now-furry yoga mat

I fuck with the dog for personal amusement. I had her running circles around me like that for a good 10 minutes.



Awww, happy affectionate doggie.

[2] Photos of my hair, because I dyed it a goddamn week ago.

I DID NOT know I was this pale until I saw this picture. The only mirror in our place is in the bathroom, where there is a very yellow light. I thought I had a healthy glow, not this pasty New Englander complexion.

Purple! Yes, purple!

Anything else? Oh, apparently my insomnia has returned. It doesn't matter how tired I feel, I just can't sleep. Boo.


According to experts, my personality type is :
Adult Film Star
Other people like me display these traits.
  • They work in fast food resturants
  • They dine and dash
  • They like rap music
  • They are scared of clowns
  • Take the Ink Blot Personality Quiz at

    moving, quizzes, knitting, photos, jo

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