Name;Nickname;Alias // Katja, "Magnae"
Things you like // Food, gaming, 2ODing.
Things you don't like // Claiming, divorces.
Things you're good at // Nothing special.
Things you're not good at // Writing, drawing.
What's important to you? // My family.
Motto;Statement;Belief // Haven't thought about it.
What is your dream? // To become a pharmacist or open my own bakery. I'm just a kid, IDK.
In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // The funny one? I'm not bragging, but I can be funny, rofl.
Favorite color(s) // Blue.
Favorite food(s) // Everything that involves a chicken.
Favorite clothes // No special clothes.
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // IDK.
Favorite member(s) + why // Amber, because she's awesome and talented.
Favorite couple(s) // Haven't really thought much about this one.
either or;
Hopeful or Cynical? // Hopeful.
Reserved or Eccentric? // Eccentric.
Bossy or Mellow? // Mellow.
Tall or Short? // Tall.
Graceful or Clumsy? // Graceful.
Loud or Quiet? // Both.
Yourself or Others? // Both.
Dance or Sing? // Dance.
million dollar question;
If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // Internet shopping. Random stuff from YA pls. ♥ ─ or moving to another country.