Name;Nickname;Alias // Patrizia/Sai/Dizi
Things you like // music♪, purple, black, nintendo, fantasy-books and -movies, lyrics that make me think, cute things (I collect Hello Kitty-stuff! ♥), food, sleep, sunshine, spring
Things you don't like // spiders and insects (; A ;), needles, making mistakes, most sports, lies, people who don't accept others the way they are, winter, fake people
Things you're good at //^^;
Things you're not good at // I don't really think I'm good at anything besides school, so... D:
What's important to you? // My family and friends, respect, dreams
Motto;Statement;Belief // "A heart has to communicate, otherwise it'll turn to stone".
What is your dream? // My dream is to become a vocalist in a band. I don't need to be ~super famous~, just standing on stage and being able to sing in front of others, conveying my feelings through music, is enough for me.
In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // I'm... the one who always starts discussions? *laugh* I can be funny sometimes, but sometimes my jokes are just lame haha. If you hear someone talking about random nonsense, that'd be me! XD
Favorite color(s) // purple!
Favorite food(s) // sushi ♥ and sweets <3
Favorite clothes // something comfortable but still stylish, like hoodies~
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // I'm really caring about my friends and I can forgive almost everything.
Favorite member(s) + why // Luna. Her voice is so pretty ♥♥♥
Favorite couple(s) // -
either or;
Hopeful or Cynical? // Depending on my mood, but more hopeful than cynical.
Reserved or Eccentric? // eccentric
Bossy or Mellow? // bossy
Tall or Short? // tall
Graceful or Clumsy? // clumsy XD
Loud or Quiet? // Depending on my mood again, but more often loud than quiet.
Yourself or Others? // Others are the most important, but you shouldn't forget about yourself either.
Dance or Sing? // Sing. I can't dance at all, sadly!
million dollar question;
If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // I'd like to travel around the world and find the place I want to live in when I finished school~!
Picture? // completely optional