Name;Nickname;Alias // Shia~
Things you like // Asian music, Asian people, Asian dramas, lol. xD Window shopping, attacking random people, shouting, hanging out with friends, making random nicknames, random dancing, etc. xD
Things you don't like // Bugs, mean people, people who are so super talented at everything. xD
Things you're good at // "Window shopping, attacking random people, shouting, hanging out with friends, making random nicknames, random dancing, etc. xD" 8D
Things you're not good at // Everything else. xD
What's important to you? // My friends. ♥
Motto;Statement;Belief // Live like everyday is your last~
What is your dream? // Move to Korea. :(
In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // The leader ? 8D And the random person. And sometimes the quiet person. xD
Favorite color(s) // PINK. XD And red, yellow & black.
Favorite food(s) // Sweet stuff. :> And Japanese food.
Favorite clothes // SPAO clothes are osm. And it depends. I'm like, a person that loves fashion.
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // idk. xD
Favorite member(s) + why // AMBER & SULLI. <3 Because they are love.
Favorite couple(s) // KryBer * A * <3
either or;
Hopeful or Cynical? // A little bit of both.
Reserved or Eccentric? // Usually reserved. Depends.
Bossy or Mellow? // Bossy.
Tall or Short? // Tall.
Graceful or Clumsy? // Clumsy.
Loud or Quiet? // Usually quiet. Depends.
Yourself or Others? // Others. ♥
Dance or Sing? // Dance ? :D
million dollar question;
If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // I'd go shopping spree on 8D Or buy SPAO clothes. D8
Picture? // completely optional