I'm always eccentric. I'm always made fun of. I'm really pretty. If so, its okay.

May 12, 2010 10:19

Name;Nickname;Alias // JoAnn

Things you like // The color Pink, Video games, cute things, Writing, Monkeys, K-pop, Super Junior♥♥♥, Cooking, NACHOS
Things you don't like // Mean People, Peas, Soy beans :P
Things you're good at // Writing, Cooking
Things you're not good at // Drawing, and a bunch of others things lol

What's important to you? // My Family ♥♥
Motto;Statement;Belief // I D K
What is your dream? // ...Ummm...Umm...I honeastly can't think of one right now :/

In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // Well my "Friends" AKA Sisters, would say I'm the fail one :P IDK What I really am so yeah have that. :3


Favorite color(s) // PINK
Favorite food(s) // Nachos with Cheese, Sour cream, Black olives, and Guacamole. Yummeh ♥
Favorite clothes // Skinny Jeans and Graphic Tee's
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // Umm...Umm...IDK?
Favorite member(s) + why // Krystal, Because she is Pretty. Lol that sounds shallow doesn't it ^^'
Favorite couple(s) // In F(x)? None

either or;

Hopeful or Cynical? // Hopeful
Reserved or Eccentric? // Reserved
Bossy or Mellow? // Mellow
Tall or Short? // Tall
Graceful or Clumsy? // Clumsy
Loud or Quiet? // A mix of both
Yourself or Others? // Both?
Dance or Sing? // Dance

million dollar question;

If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // A Trip to Korea to go stalk see SJ and eat Mexicana Chicken!

Picture? // completely optional

stamped as sulli

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