Name;Nickname;Alias // real name is Marie but I go by Makoto (or just Mako as everyone else likes to call me.)
Things you like // Music, writing, dancing, mocha lattes, languages, nighttime, rodents, my one and only Blackberry that I can't live without, flirting, deep conversations with the few people I trust, basketball, the thought of new adventures.
Things you don't like // People who can't be honest with themselves, insects and spiders, too much hot weather, getting up in the middle of the night to pee because you're getting old, people who don't believe in equality for everyone, insomnia.
Things you're good at // Stream-of-conscious writing, playing musical instruments, cooking, helping people deal with their emotions, being calm.
Things you're not good at // Socializing. I would get an F- in that class.
What's important to you? // My family, friends, music, dreams, and being true to yourself and others.
Motto;Statement;Belief // Just be yourself because if you're not, who's going else is going to be uniquely you? & Always challenge yourself because you're capable of doing more than what you or anyone else may believe you can do. Only way to find out is by testing the limits.
What is your dream? // To learn Japanese and Korean since they will assist me in my travels to Japan & S. Korea, where I hope to learn about the culinary culture in those countries. I'm currently a culinary arts major so my biggest dream is to eventually open a fusion restaurant/music hall because it would be nice to own a restaurant w/ my own special menu and I can never give up my love of music.
In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // I'm usually the quiet one with something to hide, but when I find my comfort zone, I can at times be the flirt who's just hitting on everyone. ;)
Favorite color(s) // Green/purple/blue/red
Favorite food(s) // Raisu & mashed potatoes. Weird mix, I know (I said I was weird...)
Favorite clothes // Skinny jeans and high top sneakers. I feel weird when I don't wear high tops.
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // My endless empathy for those I trust.
Favorite member(s) + why // Wow, I could list something about each one of them. I guess that's why f(x) is so great... because they each have certain qualities that stand out. I'm gonna have to say Krystal, though. She's so serious with what she does and she seems determined. Plus she has an amazing voice that wow's me. And she's super cute >.<
Favorite couple(s) // KryBer, SulBer, & JungLi.
either or;
Hopeful or Cynical? // Hopeful
Reserved or Eccentric? // Reserved
Bossy or Mellow? // Mellow
Tall or Short? // Tall
Graceful or Clumsy? // Clumsy
Loud or Quiet? // Quiet
Yourself or Others? // Others
Dance or Sing? // Mreh, both, if I could. But I would rather dance and just mouth out the words.
million dollar question;
If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // Honestly honestly it would be building up my restaurant as a place to provide cost-effective and nutritious good for people on the go. People don't know how to eat well these days and, well, I'd like to help them.
Picture? // completely optional
aha, I wish I could find a picture where I wasn't making a face D;