nu abo

Sep 07, 2010 22:14

Name;Nickname;Alias // Laura

Things you like // books, sports, hanging out with my friend, muse, hans zimmer, coffee
Things you don't like // waiting, rude people, liars
Things you're good at // Oh well.. I have good analytical skills. I'm a good strategist (My sister always beat me at chess btw) , mostly because I'm good at understanding others. I really think it's far more easy to understand others than myself. And I think I'm good at sports. I love sports, I think I am an athletic person, I used to play tennis a lot at school but only infrequently since. I'm not the most athletic woman in the world, but I can play a lot of sports. In high school I used to play volleyball, tennis and tennis table. I love to play sports because it keeps me active and i believe it's a natural stress relieve. Plus, I love challenges. My favorite sport is tennis, I play tennis since the age of 13 and I start playing because I was curious and because I wanted to try different sports but tennis soon became my top favorite <3. Generally I have an aggressive play style, but I'm not an aggressive person out of the tennis court.
Things you're not good at // I normally don't think things through. I normally take quick decisions and many of them aren't right. I don't think, I just act. Instead of planning ahead what I am going to do. I think I am a good planner but I don't have patience.I'm impulsive by default. Normally I don't think things through, and I'm too impulsive for my own good. I used to be always in trouble when I was younger because of my impulsivity. I'm still impulsive and that's part of my nature, but now I'm more cautious and thoughtful in the things I do in public.

What's important to you? // I admire honesty. I admire someohe who is honest and direct because and always says what he thinks. I admire that because I really can't stand liars and I like honest people who are not afraid to give their opinion about something or someone.
Motto;Statement;Belief // when life gives you lemons make lemonade
What is your dream? // I'm not an ambitious person by nature and my aim in life is definitely not to make money and be famous. I think I want to live my life at its fullest, because we only live once. I would like to always enjoy where I am and whatever I am doing. I don't want a boring life. When I think about my future, I imagine myself doing something that matters.

In your group of friends, what is your role;image? // Leader. I consider myself a leader, mostly because I have very strong ideas and opinions and the problem is that I don't like to follow. But there is nothing wrong in being a follower though. People always say I'm a good leader and I'm good at leading people and taking the initiative to get the job done


Favorite color(s) // Green
Favorite food(s) // Italian food
Favorite clothes // Something simple and colorful. I usually wear skinny jeans with for shoes it's either converse or flats. And I also like to wear skirts and dresses, but I'm not a fan of high heels. Flats are my favorite shoes to wear, they are comfortable and look really cute. And they work for almost every occasion.
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // My confident nature.
Favorite member(s) + why // probably Amber. I like her attitude and her style
Favorite couple(s) // none

either or;

Hopeful or Cynical? // Somewhere in between
Reserved or Eccentric? // Eccentric
Bossy or Mellow? // A bit of both, but more mellow
Tall or Short? // Short ;_;
Graceful or Clumsy? // Clumsy
Loud or Quiet? // Loud
Yourself or Others? // Others
Dance or Sing? // Dance

million dollar question;

If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time;money on? // I would like to travel a LOT! I have done a little travelling but I would like to do a LOT more! I love to travel because there are so many places and people to meet and explore, so many things too see and learn! And I'm always up for an adventure

Picture? // completely optional

I'm hilian's sister :) just so you know

stamped as amber

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