Name; Nickname; Alias // I'm Chelsea (but shorter names like Chel or Chels are fine too, or basically any name you can think of, really :3).
Things you like // Asian entertainment (honestly, throw me anything Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Asian in general and I'll pretty much give it a go, be it music, dramas, etc. ;w;), music, science-fiction/fantasy novels, graphics, colours, pasta. badminton, a sense of relaxation.
Things you don't like // Darkness, heights, horror movies, loneliness, failure, being told to accept someone else's opinion without a chance to voice mine, people who do things simply for attention, mean people /shot. ;_______;
Things you're good at // I'm pretty academically-inclined (kind of an over-achiever type of thing in school ;o;), and although I don't think it's true, people around me tell me I can sing and should start attending proper classes for training. I pick up languages really quickly without classes. Most of the time, I'd be able to pick up/use/tinker with/etc. any technological device properly without having to take a look at manuals (lmao, i know this is weird). I'm good with computers, I'm a fast typist and I play both the violin and piano. :)
Things you're not good at // I'm not very athletic, and I probably can't dance to save my life. ;o; I'm pretty slow at picking things up sometimes too. And I'm not good at technical work, like pipework, woodwork, electronics. >o<
What's important to you? // Family, friends and fandom. Family and friends are naturally important; I grew up in an environment where I was taught to value these two more than anything else. Fandom has come to hold a special place in my heart that will never be erased. ♥ To some degree, success is kind of important to me too. :/
Motto; Statement; Belief // The power of imagination makes us infinite. - John Muir
What is your dream? // Honestly, I'm still not very sure what I want to be; all I feel like doing right now is living teenage life freely. (I know, determining your career choice early and working towards it is what I should be doing, but yeah.) If I had to roughly draft it out though, I'd like something to do with the arts, maybe as a singer or professional musician/orchestra member. Working behind-the-scenes on music production - maybe as a lyricist, etc. - would be nice too. Or a graphic designer? I do know though, that I want to grow up to be someone my parents can be proud of, and to contribute to fandom as much as I possibly can. :3
In your group of friends, what is your role/image? // I'm kind of the girl-who-looks-quiet-and-studious-but-is-actually-the-fandom-loving-flaily-fangirl. :D
Favorite color(s) // I love all colours, really, it just depends how you mix and match them. ♥ I do like white a little more though, because it goes with any other colour, and maybe light green.
Favorite food(s) // I'm Asian, but I have this penchant for Western - particularly Italian - cuisine that I can't help. ;o; I'm fine with basically anything related to pasta, tbh. ♥
Favorite clothes // Honestly, I'm okay with anything that doesn't make me look like a complete dork and gives off a decent impression. ;o; I tend to wear short-sleeved cotton tees a lot though, since they're the most comfortable.
Favorite aspect(s) of yourself // I feel a strong sense of responsibility for people around me, be it family or friends or acquaintances. Once I tell myself I'm going to do something, I most likely will end up completing it to the best of my ability, one way or another (although sometimes it does take a while). I'm eager to learn new things when the opportunity crops up, and I'm quite competitive. I've got a really dynamic imagination. I'm pretty sociable too; I've got no problems making friends from anywhere. ♥
Favorite member(s) + why // Honestly, each member of f(x) has her own charm, but if I had to choose, it'd be Victoria. She has a sweet, honest personality and she comes across as a very warm and friendly person. ♥ She's extremely talented in singing and dancing and everything else, plus she's flexible. ;w; Oh, and she talks to plants. I mean, seriously, on Invincible Youth!
Favorite couple(s) // JungLi (I think that's what Krystal/Sulli's called :/). They both have this really cute feel to their relationship, and I think they click especially well with each other because there's barely any age difference between them. :3
either or;
Hopeful or cynical? // I kind of live off hope, to be honest. I'm a very hopeful person, and I pray for just about anything, so. I'm not really all that cynical; I'm more of the mature type and I don't let loose all the time. ;a;
Reserved or eccentric? // A mixture of both? I'm reserved in the sense that I'm cautious around people I've just met and I tend to keep feelings bottled up. But if you get to know me, I could be reading one moment and the next I'll just say something really, really random and uncalled for like, "I want chips!" or "I want khaki shorts!" all of a sudden. XD /hides
Bossy or mellow? // Mellow. I rarely tell people to do things I think they should do in a leader-like manner; I just talk to them and slowly break it to them. If they don't agree to do it, I'll persuade them or try to convince them, but I won't start getting bossy. In situations where I don't need to lead, I just go with everyone else. Anything's fine by me. :)
Tall or short? // I'm 162 cm; it's not tall among Asian girls as a whole, but I'm taller than most of my friends, so I guess I'll count that as tall. (I want to grow a little more though, anywhere above 165 cm. ;o; /bricked)
Graceful or clumsy? // I really have no idea. I think I'm a mixture of both, but a lot of my friends tell me I'm really graceful and that I carry myself really well. But I'm rarely clumsy, I tend to be really cautious most of the time, and I don't trip over my own two feet, so I guess that counts?
Loud or quiet? // I'm more quiet. I'm a very cautious and I'm afraid of getting in trouble sometimes, so I prefer to be less loud when I'm talking. I prefer relaxing, peaceful environments over noisy ones too, so I guess that's why.
Yourself or others? // I think about myself, of course, but I prioritize other people in certain cases. Like when we're having a class discussion and I don't agree with something, I'll just let the majority decide because I know if I voice my opinion then there'll just be a big class war or something. :/ It's the same between family members or friends; I'll normally give and take to avoid arguments.
Dance or sing? // Singing, definitely. I can't dance to save my life, to be honest, but I really love singing. To me, it helps express something I'm feeling since I can put that emotion into a song. ♥
million dollar question
If you could afford anything you wanted - what would you spend your time/money on? // I'd go for fine dining more often than I do now! ;o; Then I think I'd buy as much kpop merchandise as my room can handle and attend as many of the idols' showcases/concerts/fanmeets as I can to show support. :3 I'd buy the house my parents wanted, and then gift them with a trip to Paris (since my mom wants that so badly). I'd go on a vacation to Japan and Korea as well, and take up language classes. ♥
Picture? // That's a secret for me to keep. ;D (But I don't normally put pictures of myself on the Internet, so I hope you'd understand. >///<)