Title: In the Waiting Room
fydyanFandoms: Stargate Atlantis/Quantum Leap
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Summary: The woman in the waiting room was blonde and beautiful, and wasn't reacting at all the way she was supposed to.
In the Waiting Room )
Comments 79
Glad you enjoyed it!
And, even though I would normally not suggest this, if you have a hard time getting Rodney's voice, then why not not have him in the story? Or rather, not talking. He could be kidnapped (and gagged). Since Cadman's team is obviously on another planet, perhaps something has happened/shortly will happen to one of our main team members back on Atlantis? Sam is supposed to fix something that the others around can't, right? Perhaps our 'main' Atlantis team has all been kidnapped or are trapped somewhere... it's not like that'd be a new theme =P
You might even be able to re-hash an episode with a re-done plot on how they escape. Or, do a more SG-1 style "The Other Guys" episode thing?
Yeah, I know my suggestions totally suck. I'm just trying to make you write! Please! My brain is too dumb to imagine a cool story deserving of such an awesome beginning! So, pretty please, write more!
Laura was cool, not freaking out over appearing in a flash of white light, holding the weapon on Al, refusing to explain to someone without clearance.
Maybe you could rewrite Critical Mass from Laura/Sam's POV. Although, McKay was so busy in that one that he wouldn't have had time to help Sam out. But when it was over, if Sam didn't leap... he would have needed help to figure out what else might need doing.
Any chance to see more of this?
There may possibly be more of this in the future, but nothing's planned right now.
A QL crossover was inevitable, and this one was very well-done! Cadman was an awesome choice...
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