Title: This Hard Road (1/1) Author: fydyan Fandom: HP Rating: G Pairing: none (gen) Feedback & Concrit: Adored Summary: For certain third years, Hogwarts is not all it's cracked up to be.
I'm going to start posting some of my fanfic in this here journal, to make my life easier. To my non-fandom friends, please feel free to ignore (or not, as you please.) They will all start with headers and be easily identifiable as fanfic.
For any who may be interested, I archived one of my older Anita Blake fics tonight over at Pomme de Sang. It falls squarely into the short and sweet category, so go check it out. http://www.pommedesang.com/efiction/viewstory.php?sid=833
If anybody's interested, I wrote a really tiny ficlet for the "20 Minutes with Jenny" challenge over on Twisting the Hellmouth. It's a Buffy/Vorkosiverse (Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan books) cross. It's called Jenny's Honor.