Today I copied the numbers from pulse. I usually do my own calculations but I was running late at work and took the short cut. If the numbers are wrong I didn't notice it.
so has anyone who bought the clean version of aln last night (bc it was the only one available) figured out how to dl the explicit one too? because it shows up in the deluxe version as purchased and i tried deleting the one i already have but it'll only let me re-download the clean one.
Any ninja in the house able to rip the WM snapchats of Adam performing EITN and TOH in NY? For posterity, and for us bitter non-American nonnies who don't have access to it.
Not the bits on YT filmed by audience members, nonny, but the Warner Bros footage (including EITN) only available with snapchat US. Bani filmed her phone, so that's better than nothing:
I liked the question about how he picked the last track for the album. I'm very interested in hearing Heavy Fire if it's a mix of Massive Attack and Led Zepplin.
Hope this isn't wanky but I'm really interested in everyone's favs atm
my ranking right now another lonely night > ghost town >>>>> underground >>>> evil in the night
eitn is really confusing me bc I just don't connect to it at all and its also the only melody I forget as soon as I'm done listening lol aln feeds right into my melancholy mood right now so its giving me aaalll the feels
gt is far and away my favorite, and rn i kind of like the other three equally. except for my particular love for the "keep me on the leash tonight" bit from eitn and i really love how bouncy aln is
I love LOVE gt and EITN, I really like UG, and ALN is growing on me but its at a firm "like" today lol. the layering in EITN is so good with headphones, the disco part is probably my favorite.
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idk about the non-American thing though. Are some YouTubes geo-limited?
i knew EITN would slay live and i really really really really really want to hear all of TOH
my ranking right now another lonely night > ghost town >>>>> underground >>>> evil in the night
eitn is really confusing me bc I just don't connect to it at all and its also the only melody I forget as soon as I'm done listening lol
aln feeds right into my melancholy mood right now so its giving me aaalll the feels
gt is far and away my favorite, and rn i kind of like the other three equally. except for my particular love for the "keep me on the leash tonight" bit from eitn and i really love how bouncy aln is
underground>>eitn>>>ghost town>another lonely night.
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