Title: Gamble
Author: Fyra (
Beta-reader: Debbi-chan (
Rating: a little swearing, that's all ^^
Summary: the members of the Rikkai's tennis club make a bet --- who can get a kiss from a new girl in the school will skip all the future juices of Yanagi. Of course, they don't know yet that it will be harder than they've ever imagined.
Author's note:
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Comments 6
Well...I love the plot of this story so far nyaa~ ^^
And dear me...I didn't realise that Yanagi could be quite as scary as Inui...but I suppose like minds and all that xDD
Usually I'd say...I look forward to the next chapter...but lolz...I've got the second chapter to edit keke ^^
*huggles* great job on plot and movement of fic!!!!
And I can't be grateful enough for being my beta... :___:. Thank you million times *hugs*.
I hope you will enjoy the rest as well XD.
I love how you keep them in character and everything . I want to know who's going to win. Hmm, go, go, go guys! xDD
You know I'll be here supporting you,because you are so inspiring for me!!!. I wish I could write something as good as your fics >< you are like my senpai xD and I'm your always loyal kouhai/fangirl :D
GOD,I want more (the next chapter for me? *puppy eyes* you know what chapter, don't you?)
Love ya~~
And thank you for your supporting! And our little chit-chat the other day helped me a lot as well! I'm so happy to be your friend <3. Wait... why are you my Kouhai? XD
I've never read any of your fics. I still haven't finished the one in which somebody borrows a pen from somebody. Or maybe he doesn't borrow it, but there was definitely something about a pen XD And I think that was in Hungarian...
Anyway! I've read this one! *very proud of herself* I don't really know the members of Rikkai, and I'm not very interested in PoT fics anyway, but I liked it ^^ I read it from the first letter to the last, though I was about to go and have breakfast when I beheld the cut. Well that's really something... at least from me it is XD
I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I hope Kirihara wins! Btw, he is so~ cute in this fic. Is he really this cute?
I am proud of you as well and glad that you liked it! You should get to know them better, since they somehow became my number one team (what happened to Hyoutei? o.o)! So go on reading >D.
You know, Kirihara has multiple personalities XD. You can see him joking around in the 49th episode and then he is a badass when he meets Momo in the hospital... it is hard to describe him.
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