Re: Meme

Apr 07, 2005 21:55

Laptop's been gone for the past few days, just got it back ^^. Answers to the meme below:

I'm foregoing all the bolding and stuff ^^

1) X/TB--It is Subaru and my sakura tree would like to inform you that even though she (yes, it's female) is sure you're just joking, you had still better apologize for the S/K comment before she decides to eat you when you visit XP
2) Prince of Tennis - Yup, Fuji, but not the Fuji you're thinking of It's Yuuta now actually, I have no clue WHEN it happened, but somewhere along the line, Fuji the younger managed to snag first. Probably 'cause Tezuka was off in Germany and I feel sympathy for the poor boy. Likewise, fav pairing somehow turned to Saeki/Yuuta, I blame Matchpoint ^^ll
3) Naruto-Shikamaru, actually. I have a soft spot for unlikely geniuses ^^. SasuNaru IS cute, but...they're too young, dangit! (....okay, yeah the PoT guys are not much older, but they at least LOOK older...)
4) Bleach- Yup, Ishida ^^ Come on, an archer AND he sews. And I have a total weakness for cool guys who are actually giant dorks *point to your icon* And I really like Renji/Rukia, it's sorta angsty and bittersweet, but still very endearing.
5) One Piece- Right on the nose ^__^
6) Hunter x Hunter- It is Killua now, but for the longest time it was Leorio and Kurapika tied. If they ever come back they'll probably take that place again.
7) D.N.Angel-Satoshi and of course Sat/Dai ^^ But they're youngness still kinda freaks me out...
8) HanaKimi- Taiki! You remember! And yes, AkiUme ^__^ you brainwash me to too easily.
9) Yami No Matsuei-Not bad, it is Tatsumi and Tatsumi/Watari ^^
10) Slayers-I'm a Zel fan ^__^ And while I think the Xel/Lina is kinda cute and all, it quite frankly SCARES ME. Two people, one of which is pure evil and the other has a temper fuse the length of a nail....
11) Weiss Kreuz-Crawford and Brad/Schu alright ^^
12) Saiyuki- And yes, I am a Hakkai/Gojyo fan. Though actually, I think I may like Tenpou/Kenren better...same difference ^^;;?
13) Gundam Wing- ...Duo, and WHY WUFEI?! I mean, I didn't hate the guy like you, but he definitely wasn't a fav. Mecha was Epyon, Wing Zero a close second. I shall refrain from blowing you up for the Heero/Relena comment XP
14) Yakitate!! Japan- Yes, Kuroyan ^^ And Meister/Kuroyan just for the sheer crack of it XPXPXP!
15) Gravitation - Yuki, and Tohma/Ryuuichi, thankyouverymuch. No pink-haired brats here
16) Fullmetal Alchemist - Mustang, thankyou, MUSTANG. And I rather like Mustang/Riza, actually ^^
17) Death Note- you didn't do this one, since I added it later, but oh well. L and Raito/L ( there's really many other likable pairings to this?)
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