working on another play.

Oct 13, 2005 23:24

i JUST wrote this. i dont know, i think its funny, and its only a first draft. but tell me what you think.

((The scene begins with two young girls, playing with dolls. They should be obviously adult, young women in little girls clothing. The more frills and petticoats on their dresses, the better. This scene IS a comedy…don’t play it to be a comedy though, otherwise it isn’t funny. Note that 1 has a male doll and 2 has a female doll))

1-I want to play with your doll, give it to me.
2- what?
1-I said, I want to play with your doll, give it to me…please?
1-because, my mommy says that I can have anything I want. And I want your doll!
2-maybe your mommy is wrong.
1-no, my mommy says I can have anything I want because I’m terminal.
2-What’s that mean?
1-it means that I am going to do die.
2-why are you going to die?
1-because, I have too.
2-do you know when?
1-not really.
2-why do want my doll?
1-because I want to play a game.
2-what game?
1-I want to play God. My mommy told me all about God, she says that he controls everything and everyone!
2-like the puppet master?
1-i guess so. Give me your doll, I want it.
((1 begins to play, simply at first…then the male doll starts beating the female doll)
1-playing God.
2-but God is good! He wouldn’t make people fight each other, that isn’t a good thing your doing!
1-my daddy always says that the devil makes him hit my mom though.

((end scene))
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