That is so STUPID! My school never had that ban, luckily. And what do they classify as "heavy metal"? Limp Bizkit? I wouldn't doubt it. People are so stupid...
...on that note, they should also ban any Christian clothing...conservative button-ups, pleated skirts, and Christian band tees.
i know, this was a news ariticle *not my school* and i found it funny. but hey, dont ban pleated skirts, a plaid pleat with black fishnets and combat boots is always the way to go! but at my old middleschool, i tryied very hard to get them to ban crosses and stars of david as well as pentacles. *they kept calling them pentagrams...stupid people*...the easiest way to make everyone happy is school uniforms. but we cant do that because that suppresses freedom of speech. so i honestly think people need to learn how to shut up and deal.
Comments 2
...on that note, they should also ban any Christian clothing...conservative button-ups, pleated skirts, and Christian band tees.
Why? Cuz it's offensive to some people! Haha.
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