After a few false starts I've managed to put together a Mayan calendar script that returns an image, the numbers will increment daily so when you read this, it will display the current date:
Re: Mayan calandar for dummiesfyremoonOctober 19 2008, 19:42:13 UTC
The Mesoamerican long chart calendar records the number of days that have passed in their calendar. Each division is indicated below:
( 1 K'in = 1 day ( 1 Winal = 20 K'in or 20 days ( 1 Tun = 18 Winal or 360 days ( 1 K'atun = 20 Tun or 7,200 days ( 1 B'akt'un = 20 K'atun or 144,000 days
In their belief, there has been 3 prior worlds that their gods failed to save and on last time, civilization was transferred to this successful world on this time round is on December 21 2012.
I'd love to have the honor of sharing friendship with you, if you feel so inclined. I'll add you so you can get a feel for me, and let me know what you think. It's completely up to you!
Why those days? So, if the end of the world happens like the Mayans believed, it has to happen on my birthday? Now that doesn't sound fair and frankly, not fun at all.
Question for you. The beard that you are not growing. Was it a light brown/tan with gold flecks? J....
As far as the Mayans are concerned, the world ending is just an excuse for a party. However, look at the Death card in Tarot - it means change. The world you know ends and a new world begins
( ... )
Re: 12/21/12comingin2dayJanuary 19 2009, 18:58:39 UTC
Party...? Yep.. that sounds like a great time for one, which happens to be on my birthday. I will not mind.
smiling...about your beard.. I just wanted to know if the color was the same that I had imagined. It wasn't. Just wanted to ask.
ps. it sounds like a great reason to go smooth if more hugs and kisses come weekly. Sounds like you are on the right track. And, my grey flecks, well I have seen more than I have ever seen since I stopped dying my hair in September. I am going elnatural... It seems they have moved in, set up permanent housing, and repopulating the neighborhood at an alarming rate... laughing.
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( 1 K'in = 1 day
( 1 Winal = 20 K'in or 20 days
( 1 Tun = 18 Winal or 360 days
( 1 K'atun = 20 Tun or 7,200 days
( 1 B'akt'un = 20 K'atun or 144,000 days
In their belief, there has been 3 prior worlds that their gods failed to save and on last time, civilization was transferred to this successful world on this time round is on December 21 2012.
Question for you. The beard that you are not growing. Was it a light brown/tan with gold flecks? J....
smiling...about your beard.. I just wanted to know if the color was the same that I had imagined. It wasn't. Just wanted to ask.
ps. it sounds like a great reason to go smooth if more hugs and kisses come weekly. Sounds like you are on the right track. And, my grey flecks, well I have seen more than I have ever seen since I stopped dying my hair in September. I am going elnatural... It seems they have moved in, set up permanent housing, and repopulating the neighborhood at an alarming rate... laughing.
I hope you have a great day.
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