In the Spotlight (Chapter seven)

Feb 04, 2011 09:38

Title: In the Spotlight (Chapter seven)
Author: Emma (Fyrewyre)
Pairing, Character(s): Dave Karofsky and Kurt Hummel (Eventual pairing), various glee members.
Rating: PG - PG 13
Spoilers: Season 2, episode 6 “Never been Kissed”
Summary: Karofsky is sentenced to life in Hell, or at least the next closest thing available: Glee Club.

School the next day was school the next day, and really there were only so many ways that Karofsky could say that before it started getting ridiculous. In fact, he was just considering skipping out on the start of school and get things started right in the middle.

But that would be silly, then things might get started on strange comments that only make sense if you were there for the beginning.

“Have you seen the guys who mistook my car for a gorilla?” Actually, scratch that, that hadn’t had any build up to explain the context.

If it had been said by a certain blonde cheerleader who may or may not have shared a name with a famous mentally disturbed pop sensation, that wouldn’t have been nearly as nonsensical as it was.

But instead, Karofsky found himself staring at Azimio and wondering just when he had slipped into the twilight zone and when was the plane gremlin going to attack him?

The day had been going relatively well, he was on time to all of his classes, none of the glee kids had tried to speak with him, and all he had to do was get through practice for the day before going home and that would be the end of that.

But of course, Azimio had come along spouting nonsense. Was he high? Had Karofsky fallen into the twilight zone and not realized it? And while that would explain how he had suddenly been forced into Glee club, he didn’t want to have to spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder for fear of plane gremlins.

But Azimio was waiting for an answer, and looking at Karofsky like he was slow for not responding right away.

So finally, he said the only thing he could in response to his friend’s nonsense, “What.”

Azimio scoffed and rolled his eyes, and Karofsky felt inexplicably like an idiot for not getting what Azimio meant. But that was ridiculous, Azimio was just being a jackass and getting in his head.

So Karofsky did what any guy would do to his friend in that situation, smacked him upside the head and told him to stop being a jackass.

“I’m serious, my car smells like bananas,” Azimio groaned, rubbing the back of his head. “And come on, dude, did you have to smack that hard? I think you caused brain damage.”

“Not that hard of a task,” Karofsky adjusted his backpack as they started walking, of course Azimio would have waited until right before Glee club to be weird, it made no sense but it was Azimio and that was what he did. “And why would your car smell like bananas?”

“I don’t know, man. But all I know is that when I got to school this morning it smelled like a car, and when I was going out to it to grab some stuff just now, it smelled like bananas.” Azimio shrugged and Karofsky glanced at the choir room as they reached it.

“Maybe the monkey gang got it,” a soft voice spoke up from his right, Karofsky looked over to see Brittany and Santana. “I hear they’ve been in town. They attack you with bananas until you’re fruity enough for them.”

Before either Karofsky or Azimio could say anything, Brittany and Santana pushed passed them and into the choir room.

After a moment of staring after them with wide eyes, he hadn’t realized just how weird the girl was until he’d been forced to join Glee, Karofsky turned back to his friend.

“H… Honestly I’d be more concerned about the fact that you know what your car smells like normally.” He tried for a smirk, but it came off as more a grimace since his mind was still focused on trying to figure out just what the hell was wrong with Brittany.

“Man, shut up.” Azimio shoved him so that his shoulder lightly banged against the doorframe. “You’re helping me get that smell out.” He pointed a finger at him as he backed away.

“Whatever you say, Azi.” Karofsy rolled his eyes before turning to walk into Canada, a sigh dancing out of his lips.

At least, he’d had the intention of walking into the choir room, he was stopped quite suddenly by Puckerman grabbing his shoulder, a cat-like grin on his face as Sarah trailed behind him, backpack clutched in front of her as if it were a shield from everything that was in the choir room. Karofsky could relate with the feeling.

“You’re not thinking of going in there unprepared, are you?” Insane. Everyone was insane. Especially Puckerman. Because no sane man could grin like that while saying such random things.

Although, Karofsky wondered if he could legally take those words to mean he was no longer in Glee club. His inner realist said ‘no’ but his inner optimist was jumping up and down, beating the sides of his skull, and shouting ‘YES YES DEAR GOD YES’ while quite possibly orgasming. He could never be sure, with his inner optimist.

Finally, he decided on a course of action. “… What the Hell, Puckerman?”

Puckerman grinned, it was the kind of grin that preceeded things rarely seen outside of a cartoon, the kind of grin that made empires fall, the kind of grin that you could never learn, you could only know. It was the kind of grin that seemed to want to break the face of the wearer, but never did.

Nothing good could come of that grin.

Placing an army helmet, which he seemed to have pulled from nowhere so Karofsky was forced to assume it had come out of his ass, on his head, Puckerman moved his arms as if he were cocking a gun.

“ ‘Cause, son,” he drawled in a heavy Southern accent. “It’s ‘bout to become a WAR zone in dere.”

With that, the insane southern army general stormed into Canada.

Dear lord, he was going insane. That sentence made sense.

Sarah stayed behind, still clutching her backpack and inching up to the choir room door. And Karofsky would never admit it, but he was just about as keen to enter the choir room after what had just happened as she seemed to be.

So he gripped the doorframe and looked in, just barely managing to keep his jaw from dropping at what he saw.

They were all insane. It was the only explanation. If they weren’t insane they wouldn’t have all been holding their fingers out like pistols, or pretending to hold shotguns, and acting like they were all being shot up.

Hell, even HUMMEL was in on it, perched from atop a pile of chairs and taking other people out in a way that Karofsky took to mean he was pretending he was a sniper.

… Aaaaand that thought took four mental tanks and a firing squad to force out of his head. He then focused on Evans and Fabrey, who had somehow found their way to the center of the room and were standing back-to-back, shooting everyone with their imaginary finger pistols.

Note to self: Escape Glee club.

As soon as it had started, it stopped, everyone was lying spread-out across the floor, in poses of Dramatic Death.

Karofsky glanced to his side and locked eyes with Sarah, in the brief moment before she stumbled away from him (he seemed to have that effect on people) and into the choir room, he had seen that she was only slightly less confused than him.

He felt like and outsider, he both cherished the fact that he was an outsider with the Glee losers and hated the sensation.

Maybe he could sneak out of school before Schuester came along and forced him in-

No wait, there was a hand on his back and the Spanish Teacher’s voice telling him to get into the room so they could start the meeting and he was being pushed in there and it was annoying and damn it man just let him leave!

But noooooo, instead of being allowed the freedom he’d been aiming for, Karofsky instead found himself sitting on a hard plastic chair, stuck in between Santana and Fabrey and staring blankly ahead as Berry and Hummel immediately walked up to Schuester and began talking to him about the assignment or some competition they had coming up or whatever.

He didn’t care about the assignment, he figured he would just fake illness on Friday and forget all about it, but the idea of the competition was troubling to him. He wondered if he could fake illness to get out of that…

After contemplating the idea long enough that Berry and Hummel had finished speaking with Schuester (and apparently having won the argument if the grins threatening to break their faces were any indication), he decided it was stupid and ultimately pointless.

If he even so much as thought of trying to do it, Berry would be relentless in her pursuit of him to make him practice with everyone else, or possibly more than everyone else, and he was fairly certain he wouldn’t be able to get out of the competition if his neck was broken and sticking out of his skin.


No, no, not worth the medical bills even if it did work.

“Okay, everyone, quick announcement regarding this week’s assignment.” Knew it. “After a short conversation with Rachel and Kurt.” Said divas each gave a small wave as they walked back to their seats. “I’ve decided to add an addendum. The songs can be about heartbreak or love. Your choice.” Schuester glanced around. “That was the announcement. Now, is there anything anyone would like to say?”

Karofsky learned an important lesson that day. Never ask the club if they have anything they want to say.

Chaos, man… Pure chaos.

kurt, karofsky, in the spotlight, glee, fan fiction

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