3 2 1 Vote!

May 25, 2014 08:02

It's that time again! Here's my rundown on the SF/CA primary.
Also I have a question for you folks: Do I vote for Peterson, Schnur, or Cressman for Secretary of State, given I want to vote *against* Padilla (worst likely option)? See below. Governor Jerry Brown, winner of all relevant endorsements due to his superpower of sheer competence. Also, HSR FTW! Lieutenant Governor Whatever. Secretary of State This is a tough one. Top candidates are the Republican Peterson (LA Times), Non-partisan Schnur, Democrat Cressman, and Democrat Padilla. Peterson is leading with 30%, the well-known Padilla is second with 17%, the others trailing with not much but each picking up some newspaper endorsements. 40% of people yet undecided. I've a mild preference for Peterson, but think any of those four except Padilla would be a good choice. Note: Top two winners go to the run-off. State Controller Betty Yee, winner of all relevant endorsements due to her blatant competence. See, e.g. this one and this one. Glowing reviews all around. Treasurer John Chiang, a former State Controller also widely regarded as the most capable candidate. Attorney General Kamala Harris. Newspapers all around seem to think she did a good job, so I think she gets to keep her job. Insurance Comissioner Dave Jones. Commentary seems to think he's amazing. So I think he gets to keep his job, too. Board of Equalization, District 2 Fiona Ma. Even publications that don't like her picked her, because she's a CPA/MBA/Masters in Taxation and the others, well, they aren't anywhere near as qualified. Superintendent Marshall Tuck. (See Sacramento Bee's endorsement.)
Overall theme seems to be competent people are competent. Vote for them!
Propositions were easy this time around. Shocker! More info from SF Chronicle. Prop 41 Yes. Support homeless veterans: they helped us, so we should help them. Prop 41 Yes. More government transparency = better. Prop A Yes. Fund seismic safety improvements to emergency infrastructure? Duh. Prop B No. Popular vote is a sucky excuse for city planning. Proper planning process is a much better way to do city planning.
No on B is to me the most important SF issue.
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