Today, we will make a sweet little stock icon. Now, this is not only the first TUTORIAL ive written in a while, but also one of the first GRAPHICS ive made lately.
Lets begin. (Oh, I got the image from
This is my base:
Time for some pretty patterns, dontcha think?
Paste this pattern on your base and set to lighten:
Paste this pattern on top of the other pattern and set it to multiply:
Now, for the extensive layers of coloring (beware, there's alot)
New Adjustment Layer>Hue & Saturation
Saturation: +25
New Adjustment Layer>Selective Coloring
Reds: -100 0 0 0
Cyans: 100 0 0 0
Blues: 100 0 0 0
Neutrals: 43 0 -10 0
So far, this is what we have:
Now, time for more selective coloring:
Reds: -100 0 0 0
Cyans: 100 0 0 0
Blues: 100 0 0 0
Neutrals: 26 0 -3 -18
And so far we have:
Now, a new step hardly used...Channel Mixing.
New Adjustment Layer>Channel Mixer
Preset: Custom
Output Channel: Red
Red: 86
Green: -4
Blue: 26
Output Channel: Green:
Red: 10
Green: 97
Blue: -7
Output Channel: Blue:
Red: 2
Green: -10
Blue: 113
That made our icon look like this:
Now, I know you're getting tired, but bear with me K?
Time for more coloring. New Selective Color layer.
Reds: -100 0 0 0
Cyans: 100 0 0 0
Neutrals: -25 0 1 -13
Yay, you're almost finished. If you're still trying this out, GOOD for you!
New Adjustment Layer>Colorbalance
Midtones: -38 0 22
Shadows: 0 0 -24
Highlights: 0 0 29
Add yourself a little cute border or polaroid and VIOLA! You are finished!