Blood and Fire: Racial Templates

Jun 27, 2006 02:22


Trellish Dragon [113]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Reduced Basic Move -1 [-5]
Advantages: Blood of Krossos Talent [5] Blood of Trell Talent [5]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Flight (Winged -25%) [30]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Disease [10]; Language: Krossian/ Native [6]; Magery 0 [5]; Nictating Membrane 2 [2]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Social Regard(Respected) 1 [5]; Striker (Tail; Crushing) [5]; Temperature Tolerence 6 (+2*HT at bottom of range; +4*HT at top of range) [6]; Unaging [15];
Disadvantages: Bad Grip 3 [-15];  Horizontal [-10],
Features: Dragon to Dragon mating produces degenerate offspring

Hatchling [148]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+3 [30]; DX-1 [-20]; HT+3 [30]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Reduced Air Move 2 [-4]
Advantages: Burning Attack 1d (Cone 1 yard +60%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [6]; DR 1 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [3]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Yearly) [-1]; Short Arms [-10]; Social Stigma (Minor)[-5]
Notes: 2 Hexes; 150-200 lbs; 0-5 years old

Young [259]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+6 (SM+2 -20%)  [48]; DX+1 [20]; IQ+1 [20]; HT+5 [50]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Reduced Air Move 2 [-4]
Advantages: Burning Attack 1d (Cone 1 yard +60%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%;  Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [6]; DR 2 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [6]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Yearly) [-1]; Social Stigma (Minor)[-5]
Notes: 3-5 Hexes (SM+2); 500-800 lbs; 5-12 years old

Adolescent [332/322/312]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+10  (SM+2 -20%/SM+3 -30%/SM+4 -40% ) [80/70/60]; DX+2 [40]; IQ+2 [40]; HT+5 [50]
Advantages: Burning Attack 2d-1 (Cone 1 yard +60%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Variable +5%; Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [10]; DR 3 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [9]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Yearly) [-1]; Increased Consumption 1 [-10]; Social Stigma (Minor)[-5]
Notes: 4-8 Hexes (SM+2/SM+3/SM+4); 800-1500 lbs; 12 - 20 years old

Young Adult [386/372]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+13  (SM+4 -40%/SM+5 -50%) [78/65]; DX+3 [60]; IQ+3 [60]; HT+5 [50]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +1 (SM +4 -40%/SM +5 -50%) [2/1]
Advantages: Burning Attack 2d (Cone 1 yard +60%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Variable +5%;  Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [11]; DR 4 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [12]; Metabolism Control 5 (Hybernation Only -60%) [10];  Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Social Regard (Respected) 2 [5]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Yearly) [-1]; Increased Consumption 2 [-20]
Notes: 8-12 Hexes (SM+4/SM+5); 1000-2000 lbs; 20 - 50 years old

Adult [452]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+16  (SM+5 -50%) [80]; DX+4 [80]; IQ+4 [80]; HT+5 [50]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +2 (SM +5 -50%) [2]
Advantages: Burning Attack 3d (Cone 3 yard +80%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Variable +5%;  Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [16]; DR 6 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [18]; Enhanced Move  1/2 (Air) [10];  Fangs [2]; Metabolism Control 8 (Hybernation Only -60%) [16]; Social Regard (Respected) 2 [5]; Talons [8]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Seasonal) [-3]; Increased Consumption 2 [-20]; Sleepy (1/2 of the Time) [-8]
Notes: 10-14 Hexes (SM+5); 1500-2500 lbs; 50 - 500 years old

Old Adult [492/472]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+18  (SM+5 -50%/SM+6 -60%) [90/72]; DX+4 [80]; IQ+5 [100]; HT+5 [50]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +4 (SM +5 -50%/SM+6 -60%) [4]
Advantages: Burning Attack 4d (Cone 5 yard +100%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Variable +5%;  Costs 2 FP -10%;  Reduce  Range  1/10 -30%) [26]; DR 6 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [18]; Enhanced Move  1 (Air) [20];  Fangs [2]; Metabolism Control 10 (Hybernation Only -60%) [20]; Social Regard (Respected) 2 [5]; Talons [8];  Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Monthly) [-10]; Increased Consumption 2 [-20]; Sleepy (2/3 of the Time) [-16]
Notes: 13-16 Hexes (SM+5/SM+6); 2000-3000 lbs; 500+ years old

Ancient [478]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+20 (SM+6 -60%) [80]; DX+4 [80]; IQ+6 [120]; HT+5 [50]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +2 (SM+6 -60%) [2]
Advantages: Burning Attack 5d (Cone 5  yard +100%; Increased Range (1/2D only) *5 +10%; Variable +5%;  Costs 2 FP -10%; Reduce  Range  1/5 -20%) [33]; DR 7 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [21]; Enhanced Move  1/2 (Air) [10];  Fangs [2]; Metabolism Control 10 (Hybernation Only -60%) [20]; Social Regard (Respected) 4 [15]; Talons [8]; Trellish Dragon [113]
Disadvantages: Dependency (High Mana (Common); Daily) [-30]; Increased Consumption 2 [-20]; Sleepy (7/8 of the Time) [-26]
Notes: 15+ Hexes (SM+6); 3000+ lbs; 1500+ years old;

Dragons can vary their Air Move by +/- 4, and HP by +/- 50% otherwise they have the same limits on secondary attributes as humans. They can increase their natural DR by up 50%.

They may increase Innate Attack damage by +2/die, take one less level of Reduced Range, increase cone by up to 2 yds (to a maximum of  5 yds), or take Selectivity.

Dragons may take up to four levels of Extra Attack allowing two claw attacks, a bite, a tail strike and a breath attack in the same round.

The disadvantages of Sense of Duty (Clan); Code of Honor (Trellish); Greed; and Miserliness are common but not universal among Trellish dragons.

Thallassian Dragons reproduce by Shapeshifting into human form and breeding with humans. Once every few generations a new dragon is born otherwise the offspring are human-dragon hybrids that for the most part appear human. On Trell these hybrids are called the Aneyri.

Aneryi [65]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; HT [+1] [10]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+1 [5]
Advantages: Blood of Krossos Talent [5]; Blood of Trell Talent [5]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Longevity [2]; Resistant to Disease +8 [5]; Magery 0 [5]; Night Vision 2 [2]; Status 1 [5]; Temperature Tolerence 2 (+HT at bottom of range; +HT at top of range) [2]
Disadvantages: Unnatural Features (Draconic Eyes) [-1]
Features: May produce dragon or Aneryi offspring when breeding with dragons or Aneryi. Produces dragon blooded offspring when breeding with humans.

Humans descended from Aneryi have the following metatrait:

Dragon Blood [8]

Advantages: Resistant to Disease +3 [3]; Magery 0 [5]

Features: May purchase Draconic Heritage Power Talents; Passes this metatrait on their offspring.

Dragons that are descended from Dragon to Dragon mating are weaker then their parents. Use the following metatrait instead of the Trellish Dragon metatrait:

Degenerate Dragon [80]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Reduced Basic Move -1 [-5]
Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Extended Lifespan 5 [Flight (Winged -25%) [30]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Resistant to Disease +8 [5]; Language: Krossian/ Native [6]; Magery 0 [5]; Nictating Membrane 2 [2]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Striker (Tail; Crushing) [5]; Temperature Tolerence 6 (+2*HT at bottom of range; +4*HT at top of range) [6]; Longevity [2];
Disadvantages: Bad Grip 3 [-15];  Horizontal [-10]; Social Stigma (Minority) [-10]
Features: All offspring are degenerate.

Additionally every odd generation loses a point of IQ and each even generation loses a level of Extended Lifespan. The 7th generation’s Langauge drops to Broken and the 9th generation loses the language entirely along with Magery. The 21st generation gains the Wild Animal Metatrait and the Social Stigma becomes Monster. The 23rd generation is mercifully Sterile.

blood and fire, rpgs

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