Blood and Fire: Dragon Heritage Powers

Jun 27, 2006 04:33

The Dragons and Aneryi of Trell are descended from the primeval dragons Trell and Krossos. From this heritage they inherited the potential for certain abilities which can be awakened through training

Draconic Power Modifier -10%: This is essentially the biological modifer on Powers 26, except that the countermeasures include alchemy and magic. It consists of costs 1 FP -5% and technological countermeasures -5%. The FP cost must be bought off for some ablilities as noted below.

Blood of Trell Power:

Trell's Heritage amplifies the innate draconic abilities of her descendents.

Blood of Trell Talent 5 points/level

Alternate Form (Aneryi or Dragon)****; Burning Attack with Cone, Costs 2 FP and Reduced Range***; Claws; Discriminatory Smell; DR (Dragons must take this with Cannot Wear Armor); Energy Reserve (Draconic)*; Energy Reserve (Magic) with Ablities Only, Slow Recharge, and Accessibility: Only within 5yds of Attuned Hoard,*****;  Enhanced Air Move; Extra Attacks possibly with Multistrike; Flight, with Winged**; Immunity to Disease*; Increased Air Move; Unaging*; Metabolism Control; Nictating Membrane; Night Vision; Protected Power*; Striker(Tail, Crushing)**; Striking ST;  Teeth; Temperature Tolerance;

*Not switchable, the character must take Reduce FP Cost 1 +5% to counter the Power Modifer's FP cost. The Draconic ER also powers the Dragon's natural breath weapon.
**Aneryi with this ability must also take Unnatural Feature (Wings or Tail) [-5]
***Dragons with this ability must match their natural breath weapon's enhancements and limitations. Aerni must take Cone 1yd and Reduced Range 1/10.
****For the Template that the character does not possess. Aeneryi must take a Dragon template of the same age.
*****This Ability allows you to tap into the natural mana basin properties of pure gold and gemstones. The character must spend at least one month of the last six within 5yds of the hoard to attune to it (for this reason it is almost always learned only by dragons). The maximum levels of this ER equals (The Value of the Hoard)/$500. Not switchable, the character must take Reduce FP Cost 1 +5% to counter the Power Modifer's FP cost.

Blood of Krossos Power:
Krossos' heritage grants access to his breath weapon; a beam of cleansing light and several abilities stemming from his immortality, relationship with divine powers, and his powers over Dragons.

Blood of Krossos Talent 5/level

Burning Attack with Cone 5 yds, Costs 2 FP, Reduced Range 1/2, Exclusive link (Affliction)**;  Injury Tolerence: Damage Reduction; Insubstantiability with Projection; Jumper (Spirit) with Limited Access (Dreamland) and Projection(Can affect destination); Mind Reading with Racial***; Mindlink (any or all descendants of Krossos)*; Protected Power*; Racial Memory; Rapier Wit with Words of Power; Regeneration; Regrowth; Special Rapport****; Static (Divine); Telesend with Racial***
*Not switchable, the character must take Reduce FP Cost 1 +5% to counter the Power Modifer's FP cost.
**This Attack is alway accompanied by a Burning Attack of equal Damage with Accessability (Undead and Demons) -30%; Follow up (Breath Weapon), and Affliction 1 (Disadvantage: Blindness+50%; Sense Based: Vision +150%;Exclusive Link(Burning Attack) ).
***All descendants of Krossos
****Must also have Social Regard:Venerated (Unaryn), Not Switchable must take Reduced FP Cost 1 to counter the Power Modifier's FP Cost.

Source Specific Rules:
Characters are limited to [Talent] levels of Burning Attack, DR, Striking ST, Increased Air Move, Nictating Membrane, Night Vision, or Temperature Tolerence and no more than [Talent/2] levels of Enhanced Move; [Talent] levels of Extra Attack, and Injury Tolerence; [Talent*2] levels of Energy Reserve(Draconic) and Metabolism Control; and one "step" of improvement for Claws and Teeth.

The Hoard Energy Reserve is Limited to the (Value of the Hoard)/$500

Dragon's ablities stack with their natural traits. The Blood of Krossos Innate Attack doesn't stack with their natural attack.

Beneficial Options: Skills Enhancing Abilities (Powers 161), Temporary Enhancements (Powers 172), Trading Fatigue for Effect (Powers 160), Using Abilities at Default (Powers 173) all apply.
Limiting Options: Abilities and Exertion (Powers 159) and Crippled Abilities (Powers 156) are both in effect.
Special Rules: These abilities can be targeted in combat using the rules for Biological Powers on Powers 175.

blood and fire, rpgs

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