FebruAry* 14*th 2015*:::. *. HAppy* St* VAleNtiNe*s DAy*:::. *!*!*! *~ *& lAter, Ash WednesdAy*:::. *~!*!*! The doorway to the 0ther* side*:::. *~ eYE*:::. am posting from the F*U*T*U*R*E*:::. to say*: all entries* are misunderstood. My LiVE* journAl* here, must be read iN strAnge* *& unusuAl* coNteXt*~, as i* dated my writings with incorrect dates
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pArtyhAtS*, glitZ*, meTal tiNsel*, glitter letters*, noiZemaKers* May the New Year bring many vonderful happenings* & May all your wildest dreAmz* com TRUE!